Carbon Derangement Roundup: Thailand
Carbon tax, mainstream media comment scrubbing as standard operating procedure, Bangkok truck ban "low emission zone"...
CO2 - it’s got what plants crave!
Although society is probably not far off from electrolyte plant dousing mandates, as predicted in the 2006 film Idiocracy.👇
Regular readers will be familiar with this Substack highlighting articles published by The Bangkok Post, for which it is now completely standard for their moderators to scrub all the comments which speak truth to power or inconveniently criticise the prevailing narratives. The forums are usually purged once an article reaches 50+ or so comments by day’s end. It has become a little hobby of mine to preserve the comments before the purges take place, so that I can share them here.
Here is the latest article that the BP moderators felt compelled to scrub clean of wrongthink posters - screenshotting it today, 7th December, at 7:37am (UTC+7) it has only 3 comments:
The Finance Ministry is set to propose a carbon tax for cabinet approval on Dec 11.
Speaking at the Sustainability Forum 2025 seminar on Tuesday, Kulaya Tantitemit, director-general of the Excise Department, said the implementation of the carbon tax would not affect operators or consumers of oil and petroleum products because the overall tax burden on oil and petroleum products will remain the same.
The department will simply adjust the proportion of the tax on oil and petroleum products and incorporate the carbon tax into the oil and petroleum tax structure, she said.
For E20, E85 and biodiesel, which contain renewable energy derived from plants, the carbon tax rate will be calculated after deducting the portion of renewable energy content.
She said a World Economic Forum study conducted over the past decade found countries with carbon tax mechanisms experienced a 2% annual reduction in carbon emissions.
Thailand has committed to international agreements on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
By 2030, the country aims to reduce carbon emissions by 30-40% from current levels.
Thailand targets carbon neutrality by 2050, and by 2065 it aims to achieve net-zero emissions.
PDF of article:
Always (UN Agenda) 2030 and net nut zero. Always the WEF. We are carbon based lifeforms. You and I are the carbon they want to reduce.
Carbon credits and carbon taxing metrics is a huge scam. It is simply a Ponzi scheme and a way to create ‘liquidity’ out of thin air, whilst increasing social controls and serfdom with restrictions on freedom of movement; freedom of travel; freedom of choice for private vehicles. Once we have been stripped of our ‘fossil fuel’ powered vehicles, and the switcheroo / banning event is completed, seeing us all sitting atop giant EMF radiating battery powered EVs fitted with geo-fencing protocols and engine kill-switches….Then, then they will move onto the next phase - the financialisation of all natural resources as an asset class and a tradable market.
I will link to other articles where I have covered this in detail at the end of this piece.
Here are some of the comments people posted before the moderators reached their trigger threshold. I think The Bangkok Post’s MODS are still human for now and not yet AI, but they sure are believers in ‘the cause’.
“What a scam! C02 isn't a pollutant. It's the most valuable gas on the planet and historically it's quite low right now. Too low in fact. More C02 means more green and less deserts.”
“What is the use of a carbon tax if there are still a lot of black smoke vehicles driving around, outdated cars which are emitting more than modern cars, no education of less use of motorcycles and cars for short distances, and no investment for clean air by the pollution industry and no enforcement for the wild fires by rice-field owners and all others who burn their trash...”
“spot on mate. Spot on. This carbon tax farce made up by the climate change fanatics is a joke, especially when as you say, nothing is done to address the issues you outline. The situation in the north with the smoke is totally disgusting and should be the highest on the the list of pollution issues that need to be managed.”
“Why are you taxing the most valuable asset on the planet without co2 everything dies.”
It is encouraging to see the majority of comments calling out the carbon scam for what it is, with the narrative gatekeepers / farmed out bots / paid shills being within a shrinking minority.
This one is straight out of the European playbook - it looks like a copy paste from London. On the face of it, it is hard to argue with a ban on huge thirty year-old trucks that spew out thick black plumes of pollutants around inner Bangkok, as well as the aggravation of traffic congestion. As ever, it is the thin edge of the wedge. Timing is synchronistical with the ‘pollution season’ - so that all the days of terrible air quality can be blamed on vehicular emissions rather than the burning of fields and forests.
Get the people to rally behind the truck ban - to “fight climate change”. Do you think the climate cultists will stop there? Hell no. Next they will extend the ban parameters and congestion charges to private vehicles, by weight, by scientifically creative carbon tax based metric calculations. Pie in the sky stuff.
Yet the people will love it. In fact, they will demand it. [Prove me wrong Bangkokians, please prove me wrong!!)
Via The Bangkok Post article (my emphasis added in bold):
The Department of Land Transport (DLT) is calling on operators of six-wheeled trucks and over to register their vehicles before City Hall implements its Low Emission Zone air pollution control programme next year.
Under the programme, medium- and large-sized trucks will be prohibited from entering nine districts in central Bangkok during a certain period of the day to better control hazardous particulate matter smaller than 2.5microns (PM2.5), DLT director-general Jirut Wisanjit said on Wednesday.
Only trucks which have registered with the programme, change their engine oil and air filter regularly, as well as electric trucks and NGV-powered ones will be allowed to enter the Bangkok districts where is usually heavy and PM2.5 dust levels high.
PDF of article:
Clip from the brilliant politically satirical 2024 remake of the film Street Trash👇
Carbon Tax Dystopia
Thailand's Gift to Farmers: Debt Swaps For Nature
🌴Climate Change Law: Thailand's Testing Ground (Part 1)
Thailand's Pollution Season: Making The "Climate Crisis" a "Health Emergency" (Part 3)
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok based writer. Any support is greatly appreciated. If you are in a position to donate a virtual coffee or crypto, it would mean the world of difference. Paid subscribers can comment on articles, videos, and podcasts, and also receive a monthly subscriber newsletter.
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Thank you for all of that depressing but insightful information.
A global, tragic farce.
No wonder the elite think that they are elite when most of us act like unaware serfs or cannot think of, let alone implement, effective remedies.
Nevertheless, I harbour the dream that there are a sufficient number of aware individuals with access to the world's wisdom and their own personal courage, to undermine this wicked absurdity.
Keep strong.
We in South Africa are too being subjected to the Carbon Scam. Hot on the heels of COP29. I have submitted an objection to the proposed changes as the foundation on which it is based is the UN IPCC 's massive fraud.
Edwin X Berry, PhD has shown this to be highly problematic and that IPCC’s climate fiction is so absurd that it proves the IPCC did not just error but committed a fraud of global proportions.
Here are the two fundamental papers showing the IPCC was wrong.
Two recent peer-reviewed scientific publications prove the IPCC alarmist theory is wrong.
Both show why human CO2 does not change atmospheric CO2 enough to change the climate. Both prove the UN IPCC climate theory is wrong.
Edwin X Berry: Human CO2 Emissions Have Little Effect on Atmospheric CO2, published on July 4, 2019. Link is:
Hermann Harde: What Humans Contribute to Atmospheric CO2: Comparison of Carbon Cycle Models with Observations, published on June 12, 2019. Link is: