Thailand's Department of Climate Change
Pollution haze is an industry, Govt is "serious about CO2", MSM calls farmers "land-hoggers"...Apparently, we need less farms to fight climate change, eat franken-lab-grown-meat, and plant-based diets
🚨It seems to be all-climate-alarmist-propaganda-systems go! for the month of April 2024, in the land of smiles masks.
This Climate Alarmism section of Creed Speech has delved into the carbon credit riddled, hazy rabbit holes of net zero insanity, and cult worship levels of green economy shilling - with a mini series on Thailand specifically.
We have shown how the media apparatchik alternates the flavour of the ‘climate change’ blame game on either motor vehicle pollution, or farmers burning their rice stubble fields, or Northern Thailand inhabitants burning the forest floor to scavenge wild products. The burning being quietly admitted as the overwhelmingly primary causative agent for the hazy, choking pollution. The vehicular pollution mostly being exacerbated to suit propaganda driven motorist shaming, whilst advocating for environment destroying EV cars and solar panels.
Now that’s out of the way, let us examine the latest off-the-charts propaganda being spewed out to drive the UN’s agenda 2030.
Thailand’s government is all in. I still have faith that the Thai people are not all on board.
The latest episode of the Bangkok Post 'Deeper Dive' vodcast explores a long-term solution to northern Thailand's chronic smog problem.
Northern Thailand's chronic smog problem is usually blamed on burning crop waste, villagers burning wooded areas to pick mushrooms and vehicle emissions. The solutions, we are told, involve regulations and enforcement.
But according to an increasing number of scientists and activists, the problem runs deeper and requires a worldwide solution if we are to avoid a climate catastrophe. The real issue? We have turned almost half the world's habitable land into an animal farm.
I couldn’t bring myself to listen to the podcast, but it’s clear that all the themes laid out in the article are straight out of the UN Agenda 2030 playbook.
The article goes on to suggest we eat fake meat alternatives, and generally feel guilty about our lifestyle choices and our existence.
At one point, the writer invokes language reminiscent of Solzhenitsyn’s explanation of how farmers were demonised before having their land seized.
The article passage in question:
For Mr Smith and a growing number of experts, the only viable long-term solution is shifting from the land-hogging, polluting inefficiencies of nutrients from meat towards a plant-based diet that would allow global reforestation, rewilding and regeneration of the vast tracts of land laid waste by animal agriculture.
“Land-hogging” is the key phrase here. Dangerously so.
In the Gulag Archipelago (Vol.1), Solzhenitsyn wrote:
…through the Cultural and Educational Section a consistent effort was supposed to be made to explain to the thieves the unity of their class interests with those of all the workers, to indoctrinate them in a “suspicious and hostile attitude toward the ‘kulaks’ and counterrevolutionaries,” and the authorities were to “place their hopes in these attitudes”!
*Dekulakisation, 1929–1932 – dispossession and exile of ‘wealthy’ peasants and their families during the Collectivisation.
Pollution is profitable and tax-deductible
It is the opinion of your correspondent, that pollution is to be wielded as a tool of totalitarian control in Thailand. It is both a means and an end. The goalposts of the ‘end’ may be shifted endlessly. The pollution is not a scary boogeyman invisible virus. It is observable reality. It can be exacerbated or alleviated at the will of the government, to suit the agenda of the week, to affect or disaffect populism, votes, or sway the mob wherever their rage is to be (mis)directed.
If you are in a governmental position of power, and on the payroll of eugenicist death-cult UN/WEF/WHO boards - Why solve the root causes of the pollution (rampant burning) when it can serve so many useful purposes, and enrich investors along the way?
In a nutshell:
Make people so fed up with the pollution that they beg for solutions. Have the solution ready-made as a ‘clean air act’ - a cookie cutter template adapted from elsewhere, replete with London’s ultra-low-emission zone (ULEZ)
Plead poverty with policing resources to enforce burning bans and arrests. Instead, pivot to blaming farmers for farming in the first place. Seed the idea to appropriate the land from the “land-hogging” farmers. To “fight climate change”.
Toss a few feigned scraps of benevolence in the form of tractor and diesel subsidies to the farmers, so that they may turn away from the slash and burn method of clearing their field crops. Ultimately make the schemes untenable - all talk with no action.
Pass laws to give land deeds to farmers (making the land resalable) whilst making lots of noise about making sure corporations cannot obtain the land. As the desperate farmers sell off their land to the corporations, feign outrage and insist on investigations.
Once enough land has been appropriated in the name of reforestation, make those newly government inherited swathes of land off-limits to the general public. In the name of protecting the planet.
Herd more rural populations into Bangkok and other piloting SMART cities.
Shhh. It’s all a conspiracy.
It’s an industry baby. Business is booming. Citizens are to be farmed for yield, harvested as consumers. Having multiple air purifiers in the home will become as normal has having cooking utensils. In time, corporations will up-sell their management roles in Bangkok to “now include PM2.5 illness health insurance coverage”. And the government will carbon tax you for the privilege of living in smog-land.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment is seeking the private sector's cooperation to financially support the ministry's forest fire operation by offering a lucrative package of reduced taxes in exchange for their assistance.
Firms can donate anywhere between 500,000 baht and 5 million baht from Jan 1 to April 30 each year to help clean the air, Mr Jatuporn said.
They will receive tax reductions of up to 200% from the amount of money they donate to the project, he noted.
That money will be spent on purchasing fire-fighting tools, training courses for firefighters and setting up forest fire-monitoring points, Mr Jatuporn added. "We hope the project will bear fruit in the next three years.
Some readers may think I am cynical to disbelieve the noble intentions of this scheme. When you’ve lived in Thailand long enough to see all such schemes designed to syphon cash from government coffers to the pockets of officials, you tend to be wary.
Pollution is a racket.
Department of climate change
I wonder if there are any job openings for a conspiracy realist foreigner at Thailand’s department of climate change? I can speak Thai. I could offer ‘alternative viewpoints’ - how well do you think my application would be received?
Thailand is expected to start enforcing a new law outlining measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions within this year, helping the state and business sectors better deal with climate change, says Rachata Phisitbanakorn, assistant to the natural resources and environment minister.
The law is being drafted by the newly established Department of Climate Change and Environment, he said.
"We've set up the Department of Climate Change and Environment and initiated climate change-related measures to emphasise Thailand's commitment to cutting carbon dioxide emissions," said Capt Rachata at a forum entitled "Action for Change", held on Monday.
Let’s finish on something straight out of the cult classic horror film The Thing. The (seamless?) attempt to connotate climate alarmism with health crises…
Anuson also raised health security as an issue that may spark interest in climate change. He mentioned news reports about a "zombie virus".
"Frozen permafrost at the North Pole is melting, releasing viruses, bacteria, and fungi that were once trapped in ice," Anuson explained. "As modern humans, we have no immunity to these diseases. Some scientists believe the Covid-19 pandemic originated from this melting permafrost."
Crikey, was John Carpenter’s 1982 film The Thing just predictive programming?! 🤣
Alright, settle down now. Here is some Thai traditional music to soothe your soul.
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok based writer. All content is free for all readers, with nothing locked in archive that requires a paid subscription. Any support is greatly appreciated.
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Love the music! Thanks!👍
This is long but so worth watching. It explains the big picture of climate change agenda. Agenda 21 is now Agenda 30 but it’s still happening. Shhh! Until it doesn’t.