The elite pedophiles are out of the woodwork and that is a good thing. They're losing their tunnels and the dollar, which are indispensable for the child trafficking networks they ran for decades.

Satan doesn't like being in the limelight.

They can communicate all they want, it's game over for these motherfuckers (thank God).

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Ya baby, to quote mike meyers

The famous 1950's doctor of sex who wrote many books, had 1,000's of infants raped to test his theory of orgasm, so this just 'normalization' of what they have always been doing.

"""The Kinsey Reports are two scholarly books on human sexual behavior, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953), written by Alfred Kinsey, Wardell Pomeroy, Clyde Martin, and (for Sexual Behavior in the Human Female) Paul Gebhard and published by W.B. Saunders."""

Funny, 1,000's of infants raped and videos made and nobody went to jail, professional pedophiles were used for the penetration, they had to get them out of prison for the day to fuck children, hell it's science baby

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I never knew - too long in a professional bubble - but I'm out in the light now!

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They want to take your guns away so you cant defend yourself or your family. They have devices that can alter somebodys mind and make them do what ever they want, like a shooting spree to invoke gun violence to get the activist all in a uproar about gun control. The people behind these electromagnetic wave device are the murders, not the guns. People are not going to just wake up one day and say, i think i will grab my gun and start shooting people, this is why the shooter is always killed, or should i say silenced.

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Thank you Nicolas for your excellent work. I know how long it takes to research but this project is particularly nauseating and difficult to read. The good news, as you say, it exposes these psychopaths for the sick apologies for humanity they are.

I often quote Einstein's message because it is so true. My guess it that Pareto's distribution will stand here, thus 80% of the populace have no interest to opposing evil - they go along to get along. Even some of my own family would rather keep their heads in the sand. Some people even accuse me of being a conspiracy nut. Yet what I write is carefully researched and truth-checked to the best of my ability.

I publish official HMG papers, supporting the WW3 hybrid war against the people - yet it doesn't even touch the sides. For example: https://gcs.civilservice.gov.uk/publications/resist-2-counter-disinformation-toolkit/ This Intelligence is generated by the Marxist BLOB which has infiltrated what was our pristine Civil Service in the past. I write about it all the time: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-blob-hmg-censors-failed-alarm?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=762792&post_id=118080669&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email

But I am not discouraged because my faith assures me that if my preaching opens just one set of eyes to see the 'light' and converts apathy to action, I have succeeded.

"John 3:19 [the light]: The first occurrence of “light” in this verse indicates that Jesus personified light in his life and teachings and that he reflected understanding and enlightenment from His Father. Jesus is figuratively referred to as “the light” at John 1:7-9. Jesus carried out his assigned ministry by acting as a 'light bearer' to the world of mankind.

A musical diversion to lighten your load Nicolas - "I'm beginning to see the light" from 'Ole Blue Eyes! (In the 60s, our eccentric Prof was a fan and played Frankie's songs all the time whilst we studied in the wee hours - fond memories!)


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