I live in Texas now so I shouldn't care any more, but Arkansas is not and never has been the Midwest. It's solidly the South. Second, "cli-fi" is a self-own by the YCC writer, because the "climate crisis" is fiction all the way down. Third, it takes a climatard to maintain the conceit that natural variations are evidence of human influence. The Gulf Stream shifts over time on daily and decadal scales. Tornado Alley shifts over time. The entire western US used to be under water. There's nothing constant about anything in nature. The damned continents are *still* relocating, and as they do they'll influence weather and climate, which will *change*. Even forgetting generalities and focusing on data, real science favors climate optimism: Deaths from extreme weather events have declined by 98% in the last 100 years.

Fourth, who wrote that ZeroEngineering article? "During abnormal dry season the amount of evaporation is bigger than precipitation." "Bigger than precipitation"? "Several patterns of season" are *not* "messed up." Rainy and dry seasons are still "periodic." Is ZeroEngineering trying to say that sometimes it's still chilly in May, and that it's still sometimes warm in early November? So bloody what? And "This causes several abnormalities, for example, longer period dry season or el nino [sic] can cause critical source of water" isn't even a sentence.

Fifth, I remember when we couldn't have factories any more because acid rain was going to kill all the trout, or something. Conceding that Nut Zeroes are communists and that for communists the issue is never really the issue, what the hell happened to hyperventilating because particulates from vehicle exhaust and smokestacks were getting rained into the water? Now we're supposed to cheer propane rain? I also remember when Nut Zeroes (then known as environmentalists, like they give a shit about the "environment") knew all about the role of emissions in creating condensation nuclei, and did nothing but bitch about its deleterious effects, one of which included *moar rain.*

I retired from a 30-year career as an airline pilot. Twenty-five of those years were spent operating transport category aircraft that can climb high enough to produce contrails. I've had to re-examine a lot of things in the last 4.5 years, but the idea that my aircraft was spraying anything, that it held hidden chemical tanks we pilots couldn't see, never noticed on preflights, were never told about, and that were fully automated, and that there isn't a completely rational explanation for contrails isn't one of them. I do not doubt the government's malice. I don't doubt its machinations, insanity, irrationality, and homicidal depravity. Since at least the early 1990's I've been convinced of its unconstitutional illegitimacy. But there's no such thing as chemtrails sprayed from airliners. For one thing, there's no controlling where the stuff would land, which is why crop spraying (aerial application) is done from a few feet off the ground. The planes I flew were configured for cargo. You could see everything: all the ducting and lines for air, electrics, and fluids, all the air intakes and external drain points. Airliners still crash once in a while, even in the US, and the entire NTSB and FAA would have to be in on it for their investigators to all stay silent about the split-open tanks of chemicals they found at the accident site. It hasn't happened because it doesn't happen.

HAARP? If the government's doing it it's bad; whatever they're saying about its benefits is a big fat lie, and if they can misuse it to violate people's rights and then kill them, they'll do it.

What I read about the capsized yacht made it sound like the crew did everything wrong to secure it for forecast bad weather. The fact that someone's operating a boat like that doesn't mean he's qualified to do it other than on paper. If you read through the NTSB's accident reports on fatal private plane crashes, you'll be struck by the number of crashes involving stupidity and poor-to-no planning on the part of pilots with ATP (airline transport pilot) ratings. I'm referring mostly to the crews hired to operate business jets, which are analogous to private yachts. The guys who hire these pilots are rich, but they're unlikely to demand or even know about the standardization and discipline that makes airline flying so safe and to then insist on it in their own crews. I imagine the same applies to billionaires and their boats.

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Thank you for your valuable insights and observations, Fager. That ZeroEngineering article was poorly sourced - I have updated the article with a grammatically correct accurate excerpt.

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Some psychopathic human beings unfortunately think they can be gods. It is from this belief that geo-engineering is believed.

Sure they would love to be able to control the weather, but the weather is not climate. These nutters have convinced Governments legally to allow them to experiment in return for promises of wealth.

The same blokes you will find convinced Government to lockdown countries and states over an imagined phantom and then provided a solution that made many wealthy and killed millions (legally).

We cannot create weather even if we think we can. "Cloud seeding is usually carried out by sprinkling particles from a plane." No its. It is not, it is flaring , burning of silver iodide. It needs a specific type of cloud formation and is highly specific. It is also uncontrollable. On to of that its a money making racket.

I would suggest your readers look at this - https://edberry.com/chemtrail-delusions-vs-scientific-method/

Suggest that this is

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I think the explanation of cloud seeding from WaterCorporation.Com.Au was dictated in layman's terms minus the actual flaring / burning of silver iodide. I will check out the edberry source, as I am interested in reviewing more sources before a follow up piece down the line. Thanks for your input Jack.

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The climate zealots are the usual mix of power-driven bureaucrats, rent-seeking academics, bewildered teenagers, and disaffected liberals looking for a cause, any cause, to project their own unhappiness on.

This is why you get absurd fantasy statements like "Climate justice is gender justice" being uttered. It's much easier for these people to get upset about some external "injustice" rather than to take a long hard look at themselves and discover where their real misery lies.

They do not actively want to cause harm, but the harm they inevitably cause does not concern them.

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No wonder the wealthy are building bunkers!

Thanks, Nicholas.

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Nicholas, check into NEXRAD:

https://old.bitchute.com/video/IeuWkAmeXQ8W [2:36mins[

https://old.bitchute.com/video/mIneZlAEZxH4 [3:55mins]

Food for thought.

Also, you and I had the exact same reaction watching Twisters.

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Links appreciated matey!

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