Once you know the truth it is impossible to go back. No matter how hard you try to forget it won't work. Hence we are winning, they are scared rich tiny little men who live in perpetual fear someone might take all their ill gotten gains away. I sleep like a log at night.

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there are some rich very big and fat men as well .

being rather small ( in body mass ) myself ....... I would just like to point that out so that those

humongous overeaters who clog our sewage systems up do not feel left out of this comversation.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Nicholas Creed

The Belgian psychologist Mattias Desmet has laid out a good description of the blind, unthinking adherence to nonsensical diktats. His theory of Mass Formation notes that people would rather be scared about something concrete than suffer from an anxiety for which there seems to be no specific cause, and when this object of anxiety (Covid) appears, they anchor their anxiety onto it with a fervour that is clinically psychotic.

We probably all know people who turned from rational individuals into raving lunatics because of Covid, prepared to jettison decades-old friendships if we do not share their psychosis.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023Liked by Nicholas Creed

"Still, let us not give up and despair. We’ve all shared stories of reaching the seemingly most unreachable minds. With patience. With perseverance. With kindness, compassion, understanding, and love." .................. AND LOTS OF DRUGS AND ALCOHOL !!! errrrr...... and humor :-)

I used to give you a hard time for being a bit toooo "optimistic" in some past articles . I think more people now see that the "conspiracy theories" were often .... the TRUTH ! Ouch !

In a way those not wanting to dwell on the bad, and feeling that they can't do much about the future are people i can understand. My 35 year old daughter is very perceptive .... but she has a young family and at last has a chance to live that "dream" so many have . She and her husband do all they can to live and love the way they (and I ) would like the world to be .

Changing or wakeing up others ??? still a bit optimistic from what i see. but i try ! NOTE: I actually liked your post ( but think it may not sound like that) .

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Great article as always! I think a lot of people are too scared to really start deeply looking at the agendas because it means totally letting go of everything they may have believed before.

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Scientists have come up with a fiendishly cunning way to ensure EVERYBODY gets the latest mRNA jabs whether we want them or not - via the air we all have to breathe.

Using airborne nano particles as a delivery system, Yale researchers have already successfully vaxxed lab mice, and - surprise, surprise! - human trials are planned.


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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Nicholas Creed

What have you seen in the decline of Thai verbal communications? I've only been here a year, so they have always been masked for me. It's almost surreal how there are people I've known for 12 months and I've never seen their full face.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023Author

Thais used to be very sociable, outgoing, and talkative, greeting strangers and smiling - "land of smiles". Now it's the land of masks - for Bangkok, Pattaya, Chonburi, Rayong, that I can speak to. Everyone in my condo building wears a mask when they leave their room. If I say hello to anyone they stare at me blankly. People are less inclined to speak when the mask is covering their face. In restaurants, coffee shops etc, orders are often received with nods, not verbal communication. The loss of the face, combined with the persisting climate of fear, the erosion of the individual, and perhaps cognitive impairment from the shots - people just seem very withdrawn, colder, shorter in their responses and communication.

My friends who work for multinational companies here tell me an infographic chart goes around by email each time the ministry of health recommends another booster, informing staff where and when to get another injection. Many Thais working for multinational companies have now had up to 7 injections (maybe 8, not sure). The initial 2, + 5 boosters, I believe.

I really miss the land of smiles.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Nicholas Creed

Yes, I can't compare to before, but "withdrawn" is a good word for the impression I get in southern Bangkok. I went to barely-masked Da Nang about six months ago and people were so much more natural and outgoing. I was surprised at how much my mood lifted when I could finally see other faces.

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