Which of the following list of attributes could apply to Starmer: Desire to grab, get, manipulate, grasp, categorize, label; narrowly focused, competitive, egotistical, arrogant, concerned only with results.

And which of these could apply to Starmer: Desire to comprehend, truthful, comfortable with ambiguity, broadly focused, forgiving, empathetic, generous, open, contextual, subtle. Concerned mainly with process.

Exactly. Starmer is a soulless bureaucratic drone whose only fundamental belief is that he and his ilk have the duty to tell everyone else what to think, say and do. The extent to which he approves of someone is proportional to how similar to him they are, especially with regard to sharing his high-status attitudes and opinions.

He despises the ordinary British people, and feels genuine disgust for their low-status attitudes, and will repeatedly demonstrate an implacable enmity towards them.

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It's the sane problem-reaction-solution as coined by David Icke which they always use. They create the problem (bringing in huge numbers of migrants with little to no vetting and forcing the existing population to pay for it) they steer the reaction (inevitable social unrest by the native population espcially in response to incidents of violence and assault by the migrants) towards violence, civil war, chaos and looting the provacateurs and incentives for two tiered policing. And then viola their solution is Covid style lockdowns, mass crackdowns and more consolidated control by them. I pray it is becoming exposed for what it is. Why doesn't somebody ask the enforcers what their protocol is to enforce?

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No comment - M15/MI6/Secret service are monotoring substacks . . the enemy of the people are watching.

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Good piece Nicholas. Interesting that you link to Westworld as I have revisited that gem of a programme recently due to the abundance of metaphor (predictive programming?) contained within.

There is also a very big question in regards to the EDL and the Zionist cabal and their role in the mayhem. Jonathan 'Zak' Woodcock (Lord Walney) calling for a return to 'Covid style lockdown'...

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Lots of agendas in the air indeed. I will revisit Westworld again soon for snippets of article inserts due to the extensive plot surrounding the sentient world simulation, which was the central theme of the final season.

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Excellent post. Thank you so much. Always thought provoking, always well researched. I think we are getting to the end of the line. Chaos, and karma all playing out. This is all a desperate attempt to harvest life force. The path is about to split for the final time. They are panicking. There are enough out there who are awake and who care. I think the dark ones have overcooked their eggs. Even local residents near me are questioning their councils. Many more are questioning the vaccine safety. They are waking up. Staying in heart, staying focused on protecting the children. Praying more wake up and take their power back. I was inwardly guided that if others don't acknowledge the malicious harm they have caused, they will be leaving. Keep asking for all harm to be returned.

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Amazing write-up. I have family in Southport.

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All going to plan of breaking down social cohesion and culture, dividing society to "divide and rule" with the goal of breaking down resistance to the glorious reset and NWO. And I'm sick of hearing "Far Right" from the Far Left. The vast majority of UK people are just sick and tired of being ignored and feel helpless. Younger people see no hope and no opportunity and Labour will make that even worse, especially as the consequences of "Ner Zero" start to bite. Into this vacuum of trust implicit in all of the above, assertive protest is seen as the only remaining way of making the views of the UK public heard.

I don't subscribe to violence, if only because it plays into the hands of the authorities, but it now seems almost inevitable - yes in part because of extremist elements stirring things up. There will follow a massive crackdown including overt censorship and possibly martial law with army on the streets.

(Hagel) : Problem > Reaction > Solution

The good news is that the UK doesn't actually HAVE much of an army nowadays! And perhaps the sanctimonious UK Karens will finally start to understand the thinking behind the second Amendment to the US Constitution?

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Things are going to get very ugly. I agree that it is all by design to divide and rule.

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With a Trojan Horse PM, a member of the Trilateral Commission posing as a "Labour" leader, things can only get a LOT worse, I agree.

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Adding to the frustrations of UK people was the obvious conclusion from the last election that the UK really is NOT a democracy. Huxley's famous quote was extremely prescient. And the two sides of the Unparty aren't going to change that because the "first past the post" system suits them just fine. It allowed Labour to win a bullet-proof majority with less than 30% support from eligible voters.

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There are a lot of ordinary, regional people in the UK who are already aware what the goals are and realise that they are caught between a rock and a hard place. At this stage I can only see some sort of victory if we get a large number of police or army personnel to stand down. It is also not beyond belief that the mosques could be very heavily armed maybe even more so than our army barracks. Those thoughts have been out there for a while and don't seem to be in the realms of fantasy anymore.. Not to mention that the government seems to feel the need to defend the mosques at all costs.

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The police will be judged by their level of 'enforcement', brutality, and adherence to whatever the top-down messaging is from up-high on the chain of command...Which, thus far, appears to be self-evident and self-explanatory. Acquiescence by the police officers shall be immortalised for all time, in spite of the ensuing memory holing attempts to scrub the news feeds 'clean' when the dust settles. Let us hope there are still brave police officers that shall not tolerate immorality, who will speak out, and let the truth of the agenda be known.

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hope ??

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The far right. Another scapegoat in fact. An excuse enabling more restrictions and limiting rights of everyone, except illegals, because they are protected by socialists.

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