How dreadful. Do you need to be concerned for your own safety in speaking out on this platform?

Yes, the new Moran is fantastic... and sadly brings to light the fact that 99.9 5 of rock music stars have remained stone silent. Van Morrison and Eric Clapton being the only heroes that come to mind (I'm specifically referring to the musicians of my generation who called out establishment for its crimes and hypocrisies.

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I try not to dwell on safety.

Yes much kudos to those few musicians, actors, public figures using their influence to call out the atrocities.

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I wonder if they are "spraying" something on new arrivals. My cousin flew into Phuket and 3 days later had covid . He as still not recovered after 2 weeks, but told me he luckily had 5 shots . ( this from an "educated" adult ! ) . He seemed worried for me who never had covid , because i had no shots .

I will borrow your line to add after my usual summation : "People are fkn crazy " ....It’s all a big sick joke.

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And, here is Igor Chudov's "Bill Gates - Funded AI Chatbots Promoted Covid Vaccines". Imagine the number of people encouraged by the voice of robots.


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I recently found two interesting Thai language channels on Telegram. One references Covid jab side effects from social media posts, the other one is an anti-globalist information channel. The channels can be viewed without the Telegram app by selecting "Preview channel".

Worth sharing!

วัคซีน Side Effects

ช่องนี้ รวบรวมอาการไม่พึงประสงค์ต่างๆ ที่เกิดขึ้นกับบุคคลจริง รวมไปถึงการเสียชีวิตของผู้คน หลังจากที่ได้รับวัคซีนไปแล้ว



ช่องนี้ถูกตั้งขึ้นมาเพื่อให้ข้อมูลข่าวสารที่ถูกสื่อหลักปกปิด โดยมีเป้าประสงค์ให้คนไทยได้ตื่นรู้


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The business of sickness is just too good now--too many people depend on the delusions that come with it. The WHO is too strong here. There are too many start-up vaccine companies. New hospital units. Insurance companies.

Yesterday's CoffeeandCovid article from Jeff Childers is worth a read.


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It is time to add the UN building to those demolished on 9/11.

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Since everything that Simon would play has been secured in muscle memory, it should matter little that he can't hear it in one ear.

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May 28, 2023
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So sad!

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