Thailand's Relentless Propaganda Machine
Incessant fear mongering, 'vaccine' worship, covid derangement syndrome, and 'novids'
This is just a quick note to let the world outside of Thailand know that the delusion is still running strong here and shows no signs of letting up.
It’s been almost two years since the covid genetic injections / bioweapons / countermeasures were rolled out here in June 2022. I fear that we’ve yet to see turbo cancers explode here along with ‘medical complications’, ‘sudden illnesses’, and so on, as documented by MCM:
In the month of April 2023, there were 12 articles in the Bangkok Post dedicated to scariants and gene juice; designed to encourage this population of willing pin cushions to get pricked again and again and again.
On 27th May 2023, a new term has been coined to describe anyone who hasn’t yet fallen ill - a ‘Novid’:
Covid-19 infections are expected to peak between June and August and again next January and February, with those who have hitherto escaped the virus likely to contract it, according to a virologist at Chulalongkorn University.
Dr Yong Poovorawan, director of the Center of Excellence in Clinical Virology at the Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, wrote on his Facebook page on Friday that a surge in Covid-19 cases is expected.
Thailand will see a spike in seasonal respiratory illnesses after the opening of schools and the arrival of the rainy season, and such cases will peak between June and August, he said.
The esteemed Dr. Yong seeding in the public consciousness that we’ll see antibody dependent enhancement that will be referred to as ‘covid’ and ‘respiratory illnesses’ to coincide with the monsoon season, and then again when the pollution returns in January to exacerbate everyone’s health problems - especially those with destroyed immune systems.
"Those who are 'Novid', or have never been infected during the pandemic, have a high chance of contracting the disease. The number of people who have never had Covid-19 will be smaller," he wrote.
I suppose ‘Novid’ sounds softer than ‘granny killer’. Odd new label.
Dr Supakij Sirilak, director-general of the Department of Medical Sciences, said on Friday that getting a booster shot remains everyone's best defense despite the virus having mutated. He said unvaccinated people are at greater risk of developing severe symptoms and more than 40% of Covid-19 patients who died had not received any jabs.
There’s the money shot! Pun intended. Get boosted folks…and if you ain’t been genetically modified you had better believe that your ilk accounts for 40% of all deceased Covid-19 patients.
It’s all a big sick joke.
Let’s end with a high - an absolute belter from Bob Moran’s latest artwork, entitled:
‘Spiritual War’
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How dreadful. Do you need to be concerned for your own safety in speaking out on this platform?
Yes, the new Moran is fantastic... and sadly brings to light the fact that 99.9 5 of rock music stars have remained stone silent. Van Morrison and Eric Clapton being the only heroes that come to mind (I'm specifically referring to the musicians of my generation who called out establishment for its crimes and hypocrisies.
I wonder if they are "spraying" something on new arrivals. My cousin flew into Phuket and 3 days later had covid . He as still not recovered after 2 weeks, but told me he luckily had 5 shots . ( this from an "educated" adult ! ) . He seemed worried for me who never had covid , because i had no shots .
I will borrow your line to add after my usual summation : "People are fkn crazy " ....It’s all a big sick joke.