Jan 26·edited Jan 26Liked by Nicholas Creed

They say:

"Long COVID-19, or Post COVID-19 condition, a condition that can occur after recovering from COVID-19, but it is not linked to COVID-19 vaccination. According to the World Health Organization, the causes of Long COVID-19 and why individuals are affected differently are still unclear necessitating ongoing monitoring and data collection to gain a comprehensive understanding of the condition…. Importantly, several studies suggest that COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of Long Covid."

But this is a contradiction, as first they claim that long covid is not caused from the vaccine--with their word as God backed by the WHO--but then state that they don't know what causes it, nor know why individuals are affected, adding the word "differently" to show their desperation to dissuade the reader from any belief that the vaccine could be the most significant determinant to look into.

Thanks! I had sent a letter to the NVI when covid began, in April 2020, asking them when the covid vaccine would be ready. They thought I was eager to get it. When research started coming out about the mRNA vaccines, I sent them several articles, naive, or hopeful that they would be open to questioning their determined drive toward the vaccine, I finally stopped.

That research from Chula may still get its day, along with Dr. Bhakti! . . .

WHO has a very strong presence here, and throughout SEA, as do a good many pharmaceutical comps.. I am anxious to see what will happen with the Pandemic Treaty!

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26Author

You're right Hillary, they have boxed themselves into a corner now and are collapsing under the weight of 10,000 lies, contradictions, and the overall propaganda juggernaut, which may yet get derailed after all.

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Who else remembers the "urgent warning to gardeners" that "soil increases risk of killer heart disease"? Or the announcement that "pollution can double the risk of a fatal heart attack"? Or the invention of "happy heart syndrome," in which the elation of winning a video game can suddenly and unexpectedly knock someone off?

Blaming what used to be called "lingering cold symptoms" for excess deaths now is just as much a desperation move as blaming dirt.

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