Sep 22Liked by Nicholas Creed

"We live in a capitalist system. Whether we like it or not, it’s a capitalist economy. But many capitalist economies have collapsed because of a lack of compassion. If there is no compassion for those who are less fortunate, it will be difficult for the country to grow, and it will grow in a crippled way. Before I finish, I’d like to ask one thing: I want Thais to love one another."

Capitalism is a social, political, and economic system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned and in which the organizing principle of all human relationships is voluntarism. For "ownership" to have any meaning it has to include control over how one's property is used and disposed of. If the government is making those use and disposal decisions, what you've got is not capitalism but fascism. There's nothing "capitalist" about sticking a gun to someone's head and demanding his wallet. There's nothing compassionate about theft. There will be nothing left to loot when production and work are penalized out of existence. There's nothing loving about viewing other people as the means to one's ends. And no: It makes no difference how fabulous someone proclaims those ends to be.

Nor is there anything human about being maintained as livestock. All those stories of depravity and murder listed above that article: That's what comes of the widespread belief that people *are* the means to each other's ends. "Loving one another" is the last thing that will ever happen under those conditions. Neither love nor respect are possible when people look at one another and see only cannibals and feasts.

I can't remember when I've seen a more vicious, malevolent, deliberately destructive "plan" to complete the enslavement of a nation. Why doesn't he just propose merging with Burma?

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Sep 21Liked by Nicholas Creed

When I read about all these recent schemes to raise tax revenue or stimulate the Thai economy, it makes me wonder if things are actually much, much worse than publicly acknowledged.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Author

I wonder. Thailand is one of the countries selected to pilot CBDC along with Nigeria (epic fail) and others I forget. They can't back out as govt is firmly beholden to agenda 2030 shills. Debt to GDP ceiling has been raised several times since plandemic. Digital wallet handout will be the biggest grift the country's ever seen. Nepotism will be rife for the boys' club like pigs at the trough of corruption. Foreign income tax may alleviate the cost of the digital wallet scheme and whatever deficit we really have in terms of fiscal policy. Bullionstar.com wrote some good blogs since 2021 and Thailand featured - has been buying a lot of gold via the central bank - at least there are some sound money reserves for when SHTF.

Bullionstar article:


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