Jul 1Liked by Nicholas Creed

It's *because* the flags represent the unity of the country that they have to be banned.

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Keep the nation squabbling, divided, and infighting whilst the technocracy closes in...

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This is a mere pinprick alongside all the other abuses that have been heaped on the native British population over the past decade and more.

People cry "hypocrisy" and "double standards", but it is nothing like as superficial as that.

It is the inevitable result of completely inverting natural law and giving all the power to the weakest in the name of radical "fairness". Once this victim hierarchy is established, with all so-called "marginalized groups" at the top, and the native British at the bottom, these actions are bound to happen as routine.

No logic needs to be applied; it is a knee-jerk emotional reaction. The illegal immigrants are to be fawned upon, the local citizens to be despised and harassed. BLM and Stop Oil can rampage freely through the streets during Covid; anti-lockdowners must be met with official violence.

Until we dismantle the pernicious idea that "we are all one", that there is no difference between a citizen who can trace their British origins back through centuries, and an illegal Somali boat person who arrived yesterday, this kind of humiliation will continue unabated - at least until Keir Starmer becomes Prime Minister, when it will increase exponentially.

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