Jun 22Pinned

These people suffering from gender dysphoria desperately need emotional help to get them out of their severe pain, but all of this makes it even more unlikely they will get it. And once the drugs and scalpel go into their bodies, they have permanent physical damage to deal with.

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You make a valid and serious point which is backed up by countless studies and video testimonials floating around in the ether of social media platforms, although censored and suppressed. Billboard Chris is a great resource for the darker side of gender ideology exposes - https://www.billboardchris.com/

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What a surprise! Of course Thailand would be the first nation in the region. . . Thanks so much, Nicholas.

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This is a very interesting interview in that it brings up concepts surrounding internet bullying/encouraging others etc., so basically going through the process vicariously and therefore possibly some sort of fetish.


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As Matt Walsh firmly demonstrated, even the most fervent of weirdos cannot defend the idea that men can become women. We could go back further - even 2-year-olds know that little boys and little girls are different.

So the entire "trans" movement is simply a giant cosplay party being performed by disturbed individuals. The question that needs answering is why government authorities -- not just in Thailand by any means -- seem so keen to affirm these deluded views.

Perhaps they think it will deflect from their own venality and incompetence.

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I found this conversation to be very helpful to recognize the line in the sand. ... blessings


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