I'm not in the mood to let anyone off the hook about this crap. The culpable are the people who complied. I don't care what their motives were. I don't care what their families, friends, or bosses said. They refused to stand up for themselves and that made all the rest possible. The worst of them gleefully goose-stepped along as enforcers: 21st-century concentration camp guards.
A lot more people saying "no" would have ended the bullshit in a matter of weeks at a far lower financial and social cost for everyone. But instead of being encouraged by the minority of dissenters and joining them, the compliant sneered at them, ostracized them, and loudly praised the emperor's new threads. Those Daily Mail commenters are pissed? If they complied and want to blame someone they should look in a mirror, because pharma, Gates, Fauci, et al couldn't have done it without them.
There will be no closure on the vaccines (or indeed any of the other Covid-related madness) for a long, long time, because: Nobody wants to remember.
The main perps want to forget and want everyone else to forget; everyone who caved in and took the vaccines wants to forget, either to hide their fears of a biochemical and genetic time-bomb in their bodies, or to avoid confronting their supine kowtowing to State pressure.
All those little tyrants who sent up drones to harry lone hikers and beachcombers, roughed up grandmothers for a supposed violation of some vague and arbitrary, yet simultaneously sacred, Covid protocol, or who snitched on their neighbours, the doctors and nurses who prevented family members visiting dying relatives - they all want to forget.
Those of us who want to remember and deliver accountability are a tiny minority, and none of us are in a position to do anything about it.
The timeframe is frustrating. Your observations on the why are accurate. People do want to forget and soon they will have short memories too. Five years since Convid started coming up end February. December 2025 will be five years since the first injections rolled out in the UK. All we can do is keep receipts from being scrubbed and keep chipping away at the dissonant.
I'm not in the mood to let anyone off the hook about this crap. The culpable are the people who complied. I don't care what their motives were. I don't care what their families, friends, or bosses said. They refused to stand up for themselves and that made all the rest possible. The worst of them gleefully goose-stepped along as enforcers: 21st-century concentration camp guards.
A lot more people saying "no" would have ended the bullshit in a matter of weeks at a far lower financial and social cost for everyone. But instead of being encouraged by the minority of dissenters and joining them, the compliant sneered at them, ostracized them, and loudly praised the emperor's new threads. Those Daily Mail commenters are pissed? If they complied and want to blame someone they should look in a mirror, because pharma, Gates, Fauci, et al couldn't have done it without them.
There will be no closure on the vaccines (or indeed any of the other Covid-related madness) for a long, long time, because: Nobody wants to remember.
The main perps want to forget and want everyone else to forget; everyone who caved in and took the vaccines wants to forget, either to hide their fears of a biochemical and genetic time-bomb in their bodies, or to avoid confronting their supine kowtowing to State pressure.
All those little tyrants who sent up drones to harry lone hikers and beachcombers, roughed up grandmothers for a supposed violation of some vague and arbitrary, yet simultaneously sacred, Covid protocol, or who snitched on their neighbours, the doctors and nurses who prevented family members visiting dying relatives - they all want to forget.
Those of us who want to remember and deliver accountability are a tiny minority, and none of us are in a position to do anything about it.
The timeframe is frustrating. Your observations on the why are accurate. People do want to forget and soon they will have short memories too. Five years since Convid started coming up end February. December 2025 will be five years since the first injections rolled out in the UK. All we can do is keep receipts from being scrubbed and keep chipping away at the dissonant.