Jul 9Liked by Nicholas Creed

That tourist go home refugees welcome grafittistinks of an astrturf campaign. It all needs to be viewed through the lens of "We will own everything and you'll be unhappy" by those with money and power. Tourists support small businesses and private rentals such as AirBNB also help out locals. Refugees, meanwhile, are supported by NGOs, Corporate REITs, and government services funded by the taxpayer. I have been looking at your photo and wondering if it is a picture of Naithong beach or Surin Beach in Phuket. I am at Nai Yang beach staying at a camp site and the story from the taxi and shuttle bus drivers is that they are hurting right now. I've also been trying to wrap my head around the chemtrails/contrails debate on substack: I've never seen chemtrails in Thailand but airplanes are flying overheard for landing 400 meters from where we are sleeping. I would expect to a see a biodiversity loss at Sirinat National Park quickly if commercial airplanes exhaust is causing irreparable harm. to the ecosystem It looks the same as always to me though I could do with far less mosquitos...

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Good points. I've often wondered about the cloud seeding 'rain making' planes flying over Thailand, and what other harmful chemicals that may be being released into the atmosphere...

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Jul 9Liked by Nicholas Creed

I've been researching this a bit as a side project. I have no doubt that these flights contain harmful elements but the question always arises regarding the capacity of complex systems to clear the damage...

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Jul 9Liked by Nicholas Creed

Of all the problems Spaniards face, tourists pouring tens of millions of dollars into the economy isn't one of them. Of course anti-tourism isn't organic. No one would honestly and in good faith protest against tourism that way. *At best* people might go to city hall and whine about where the tour buses park.

When you see people reach first for short-sighted destruction, including self-destruction, you know you're dealing with statists. One of the defining characteristics of all statists, collectivists, tribalists, communists, socialists, fascists--whatever--is a compulsion to destroy. They're anti-life, which includes everything that adds pleasure to it, including the benefits of tourism: prosperity, cultural exchange (if you're into that kind of thing), education, jobs, infrastructure improvements, and, in the case of eco-tourism, conservation of animals and land at no cost to the locals.

The anti-tourism crap is part of a larger agenda of genocide for most and an existence as livestock for any survivors. Do the useful idiots vandalizing their own buildings know that? Maybe some of them. But they all *feel* it on an intimately personal level, which is why they readily respond to calls for destruction: Because years ago they started by destroying themselves.

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As a GeoLibertarian I sees the globalists as a group who try to maximise Economic Rents (i.e. stealth Feudalism) this protest might be Astroturf free as tourism tends to get indirect taxpayer subsidies for fancy buildings and museums with visitors paying lower than normal residents (they're not working) and economic title (location in this case) charges are lower than it should be.

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