May 18Liked by Nicholas Creed

It is beyond doubt that the UNESCO document was written by AI - no human could write so much tedious drivel and retain their sanity.

It is a perfect illustration of Weinstein's Law of Political Discourse: It is impossible for any political actor to have all three of the following: a large audience, an independent truth-telling mind and a sterling reputation.

You can tell the truth to a large audience, but you will forfeit your reputation. You can tell the truth and keep your reputation, but your audience will be small (round the dinner table, perhaps).

Or, like UNESCO, you can have a large audience and a sterling reputation in the right circles, but that automatically precludes you from telling the truth.

The nature of the Deep State is that it is fronted by all the people who have a large audience, a good reputation and no concern with truth.

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May 18Liked by Nicholas Creed

UNESCO short version: "We're not going to teach kids how to think. We're not going to tell them what to think. We're going to destroy their ability to think at all."

These days and at this age my tolerance for intellectual slumming is effectively zero so I can't read that revolting arse gravy from the sociopaths at the UN. The fact that they keep self-consciously referring to their little victims as "learners" is vile enough: Exactly who are they trying to convince with that propaganda, anyway?

Homeschooling might not solve every social problem or even most of them, but it's a damned certainty that subjecting defenseless children to life-hating psychopaths will cause them. Government schooling is historically a very recent invention and from the perspective of those who seek to rule it's been an unprecedented success. Morally, psychologically, and emotionally it's been a disaster for humanity.

"To make you unconscious for life by means of your own brain, nothing can be more ingenious. This is the ingenuity practiced by most of today’s educators. They are the comprachicos of the mind."

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