Excellent article, and I couldn't agree more!

Conspiracy theory becomes conspiracy reality: I like that...

I'm approaching 70, and wear my anti-vaxxer, climate denier badges proudly.

When challenged, I have the proof in front of me.

I no longer try to convince others, as that is usually pointless.

So I don't.


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I'm glad you found it relatable. Wear those badges unapologetically, for when we go silent the mind viruses spread!

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And I need to thank Dr. Todd for linking to your site...

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Excellent my friend!! I am re-posting!!

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Thank you Todd.

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Is it sheep or sheeple that is objectionable?

Sheep can't help being sheep.

Sheeple can stop being willfully ignorant and naive.

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Indeed. I believe it was 'sheep'. The expression has been used since the beginning of time to describe the acquiescent.

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Probably because sheep are among the most acquiescent as pure herbivores.

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I too enjoy Todd'"s articles, usually well written. Linking your insights tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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