Before we talk about any "climate emergency" there should be a discussion on CP hybrid seeds such as CP818 which is bred specially for drought tolerance enabling farmers to grow in the dry season and harvest in March-April. Guess what they are doing in March, yes you guessed it, they are burning the corn. Gosh I wonder where all the pollution has been coming from in the last 2 decades?!
I think CP818 is just one of the seed hybrids that are drought resistant, as far as I remember CP888 is another and maybe F16. There are so many of them. What needs to be done is to check when these seeds came into wide use and whether it corresponds to a marked increase in pollution levels. There doesn't seem to be much data out there.
This is not specifically about the drought resistant strains of seeds but it does tell you a lot about CP business model in the Shan States which plays a big part in the pollution of N.Thailand.
My sense is that 'global warming', in the form that CO2 is seen as the single evil molecule threatening mankind, is a much easier target for global elites than pollution.
First, 'global warming' has an identifiable target - the evil capitalist fossil fuel companies who are the powerful, manipulating, even satanic obstacle to achieving 'climate justice', whatever that may be.
With that narrative accepted, you can mobilize an army of useful idiots to go round blocking roads and gluing themselves to buildings. And then you can do whatever you can to raise money from the industry that single-handed powers modern life, while berating them for their evil ways.
Pollution is more nebulous. Who are you going to decry as evil destroyers of the planet? Farmers, slash-and-burn societies, people driving old trucks?
The attempt to blame Big Oil for the pollution problem is fairly lame, so all they can come up with is a knee-jerk reaction to punish people who are not at fault while broadly allowing the perpetrators a free pass.
Heavy-handed, misdirected, and ineffective. The slogan of the policies of idiot governments everywhere.
Excellent work breaking down the relationship of fires to the pollution and greetings from the cleanest location in Thailand! I'm glad I don't need air filters but I most definitely heard from expats up North that it was terrible last year. Dry season seems to have started early this year there's only been one brief middle of the night rain that I can recall in weeks. It seems it is the same as always: causing a problem then proposing solutions that inevitably lead to more restrictions for the masses while profiting off of all sides of it...
Thank you Amy. You are certainly in one of the 'green' score readouts in Phuket with good air quality. I will be considering cheapest options to get out of Bangkok for a month or two in the new year, so that my lungs don't get wrecked, again. Problem-reaction-solution is being sprung on Bangkokians as per usual. Let us keep telling the truth to anyone who will listen :-)
I'm actually in exactly Thalang, Phuket, Thailand. I took a video this morning of the dogs on the beach so you'll be able to see for yourself once I get my substack post out. I'm aware of the horrific air quality in some areas of Thailand last April it was the worst in the world! I'd think somebody would start talking about weather modification or making rain but that might open the door to technologies we aren't supposed to know exist. Real solutions are not wanted because those in power do not profit from them...
LOL I'm okay I plan on writing a very personal very public post on substack about it but right now I cannot post until my laptop gets fixed so I am at a computer shop. On hold is the correct word. They threw a real screwy curveball at me and I'm hoping to clear it up on Tuesday. I'm counting down to getting out of the area...
Hi fellow falangatangs : Here is my Gab inspiration today.....
to be shared in your thread if you like.... or deleted if not welcome. :::
I just saw more clearly why my "crazy" opinion that the planet really should ideally have a population MUCH MUCH less than what it is . ( how can anyone even think about MORE ! ) Well, seems to me thats like people thinking..ok, what i need is my seventh booster.
Look, the world population should be, for homo sapiens, set as it is for any species . Based on how many the environment can support . without the comforts and creations of the "modern world" . that means, living naturally, (yes, pretty much like the Amish do .) And, survival of the fittest .
With simple and healthy bodies and minds and love .... ( no other species kills their own like we do ) .
Other animals do this naturally . It is nature . The greatest difference that sets man apart is the human brain . A magnificent organ. But , oh boy ....... what a fine mess it has gotten the planet into.
I will now add this short thought to my "Ninja's simplistic analysis of the WORLD "
Note: Living in Thailand , a country that when i arrived just a mere 40 years ago,
was still a great example of a simple , rural group of villages surviving with the bare minimums of modern "luxuries" . I stll remember riding my motorcycle into villages all over the North, to be met with big smiles and a trust and warmth that one can never find on a hand held screen.
One can ask " do you think the people want that life now ?"
I think not . Comfort has won. The waddle has replaced the walk .
Before we talk about any "climate emergency" there should be a discussion on CP hybrid seeds such as CP818 which is bred specially for drought tolerance enabling farmers to grow in the dry season and harvest in March-April. Guess what they are doing in March, yes you guessed it, they are burning the corn. Gosh I wonder where all the pollution has been coming from in the last 2 decades?!
This is new to me, will read up on CP818 seeds, thanks for the tip.
I think CP818 is just one of the seed hybrids that are drought resistant, as far as I remember CP888 is another and maybe F16. There are so many of them. What needs to be done is to check when these seeds came into wide use and whether it corresponds to a marked increase in pollution levels. There doesn't seem to be much data out there.
This is not specifically about the drought resistant strains of seeds but it does tell you a lot about CP business model in the Shan States which plays a big part in the pollution of N.Thailand.
Good article . ( be sure to keep..... for next year 55) ...... JJWY ( just joshing with ya )
I will be headed down south of hua hin in Feb ..... I won't make the mistake i did last year when we returned early to CM !
As for sneaking in plans. Its pretty obvious WHO is in control . Of everything . I will try not to say
everything . but, this might give a pretty good idea :
PM Srettha Goes All in on Green Economy - Aiming To Bring BlackRock to ...
Sep 21, 2023Prime Minister Srettha met with Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock on September 19, 2023.
nuff said .
Of all the seasons, Bangkok pollution season is the one I miss least.
My sense is that 'global warming', in the form that CO2 is seen as the single evil molecule threatening mankind, is a much easier target for global elites than pollution.
First, 'global warming' has an identifiable target - the evil capitalist fossil fuel companies who are the powerful, manipulating, even satanic obstacle to achieving 'climate justice', whatever that may be.
With that narrative accepted, you can mobilize an army of useful idiots to go round blocking roads and gluing themselves to buildings. And then you can do whatever you can to raise money from the industry that single-handed powers modern life, while berating them for their evil ways.
Pollution is more nebulous. Who are you going to decry as evil destroyers of the planet? Farmers, slash-and-burn societies, people driving old trucks?
The attempt to blame Big Oil for the pollution problem is fairly lame, so all they can come up with is a knee-jerk reaction to punish people who are not at fault while broadly allowing the perpetrators a free pass.
Heavy-handed, misdirected, and ineffective. The slogan of the policies of idiot governments everywhere.
Excellent work breaking down the relationship of fires to the pollution and greetings from the cleanest location in Thailand! I'm glad I don't need air filters but I most definitely heard from expats up North that it was terrible last year. Dry season seems to have started early this year there's only been one brief middle of the night rain that I can recall in weeks. It seems it is the same as always: causing a problem then proposing solutions that inevitably lead to more restrictions for the masses while profiting off of all sides of it...
Thank you Amy. You are certainly in one of the 'green' score readouts in Phuket with good air quality. I will be considering cheapest options to get out of Bangkok for a month or two in the new year, so that my lungs don't get wrecked, again. Problem-reaction-solution is being sprung on Bangkokians as per usual. Let us keep telling the truth to anyone who will listen :-)
I'm actually in exactly Thalang, Phuket, Thailand. I took a video this morning of the dogs on the beach so you'll be able to see for yourself once I get my substack post out. I'm aware of the horrific air quality in some areas of Thailand last April it was the worst in the world! I'd think somebody would start talking about weather modification or making rain but that might open the door to technologies we aren't supposed to know exist. Real solutions are not wanted because those in power do not profit from them...
Hi Amy...
I did not read anywhere what transpired with your ordeal in Bkk ...etc.
are you still on hold ?
if not comfortable replying here can send to my Ninja chat :-)
LOL I'm okay I plan on writing a very personal very public post on substack about it but right now I cannot post until my laptop gets fixed so I am at a computer shop. On hold is the correct word. They threw a real screwy curveball at me and I'm hoping to clear it up on Tuesday. I'm counting down to getting out of the area...
OK... i can wait LOL I'm not sure which "they" ( thai or u.s )
best of luck !
LOL both but for now I have a 90 day stamp for Thailand. The US Embassy is also giving me a Thai problem! It's a long story
Hi fellow falangatangs : Here is my Gab inspiration today.....
to be shared in your thread if you like.... or deleted if not welcome. :::
I just saw more clearly why my "crazy" opinion that the planet really should ideally have a population MUCH MUCH less than what it is . ( how can anyone even think about MORE ! ) Well, seems to me thats like people thinking..ok, what i need is my seventh booster.
Look, the world population should be, for homo sapiens, set as it is for any species . Based on how many the environment can support . without the comforts and creations of the "modern world" . that means, living naturally, (yes, pretty much like the Amish do .) And, survival of the fittest .
With simple and healthy bodies and minds and love .... ( no other species kills their own like we do ) .
Other animals do this naturally . It is nature . The greatest difference that sets man apart is the human brain . A magnificent organ. But , oh boy ....... what a fine mess it has gotten the planet into.
I will now add this short thought to my "Ninja's simplistic analysis of the WORLD "
Note: Living in Thailand , a country that when i arrived just a mere 40 years ago,
was still a great example of a simple , rural group of villages surviving with the bare minimums of modern "luxuries" . I stll remember riding my motorcycle into villages all over the North, to be met with big smiles and a trust and warmth that one can never find on a hand held screen.
One can ask " do you think the people want that life now ?"
I think not . Comfort has won. The waddle has replaced the walk .
quack quack