What you describe is very similar to what is happening in South Africa.

Registration of firearms is part of the Marxist communist plan to disarm populations for full control. The digital imposition is everywhere- tax, levy, tariff, impost, duty, assessment, excise, income tax, direct tax, capitation- don't worry being chipped or chipping children is next.

You may not have seen but we have just been told about Libyans at a military training camp being apprehended.

Oh, of course weed, same in South Africa, smoking is bad for you, smoking weed is good for you

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Lots of useful information, thanks for your hard work.

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"The wallet will hold tokens which can only be spent on government approved products, and within a 4km radius of one’s registered home address."

You know how I get my cows into a head gate? I offer them free stuff. I shake the grain bucket and pour it into the trough, and they can't shove their heads into the trap fast enough.

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We walked to Benjakitti Park last time we were in Bangkok. They always push mobile phone apps on every situation that they can .

An alarming number of these cases involve foreigners to Thailand, though the case involving the neighbor who killed the two months old baby when the mother refused to be raped is especially heinous and heartbreaking. At first I assumed that it was the mother's boyfriend or husband who did it, which would be horrible but a bit more understandable perhaps as part of a domestic argument. These times try people's souls all over the world...

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