I've long contended that the Western world is regressing to be more like Thailand, where incompetence, sheer stupidity, ignorance and self-interest reign, while logical thinking and reality are inconvenient intrusions.

Some of the Western idiocy may seep back the other way into Thailand, but Thailand's drooling idiocy at least still has a national culture behind it. It may be idiocy, but it's *our* idiocy.

The West, which appears to have lost any concept of what its culture really is, and what it stands for, is much worse off, in my estimation.

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This Ninja ( meaning ME) was trolled for being "pessimistic" , going on 2 years already . Steadfastedly sticking to my " the Monster is big , folks ! Its all one....big....club !!

Every day it is just confirmed . Those "heroes" , and things might change wishes, ...............

ahhhhhhhh ya think ?

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Thanks for the excellent round-up and pithy analysis, which should be compulsory reading for all those blindsided expats who rely for their "news" on propaganda rags like the Bangkok Post.

Keep uip the good work.

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You're welcome. I'll try and quote other English language fakestream media sources to mix it up, but Bkk post is such a reliable source of globalist agenda driven propaganda and government mouthpiece reporting - tells me everything I need to know by fact and truth obfuscation and inversion.

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Devastating to see the pride bullshit exported successfully to Thailand. what they're planning to do to thai culture is a tragedy and it's just getting started

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Pride is just warming up - they want to host "World Pride 2028" in Bangkok. mRNA injections are also just warming up, they've got potions for all sorts of (problem-reaction-solution) diseases in the works. It's so difficult to use cash here now as businesses rarely have change - Thais will *love* CBDCs (In Bangkok at least). People are so addicted to masks and hiding from society whilst burying their faces in little blue screens - absolutely primed for false promises of "enhancement" when the brainchips roll out along with other augmentations. It's a horror show.

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