Sep 15Liked by Nicholas Creed

"'Global warming is getting closer to us. The Earth's temperature should not rise by over 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it has now gone up by 1.2C. If it reaches 1.5C, more disasters, such as wildfires, floods, the melting of polar ice and overflows of seawater into rivers, will occur.'"

It would be pointless to tell him that "the Earth's temperature" has already gone up by 4.5C since 1750 and that absolutely nothing bad has happened. It would also be pointless to tell him that an average global temperature is just as meaningless as a house's average temperature: What you feel is the temperature of the room you're in at the moment, not the average of all the rooms. And whatever you do, don't tell him that when ice cubes melt in a glass of water, it doesn't make the glass overflow.

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Good points! I found the assessment of the CO2 coalition interesting a while back in deconstructing the IPCC nonsense reports too:


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Sep 15Liked by Nicholas Creed

Thanks for the link. They're doing great work getting the truth out there, but they have to know that the Nut Zeroes' motive is ideological, not scientific. All the facts and logic in the world won't sway them and never have. They need to be exposed for the liars and homicidal sociopaths that they are, though, because that's what will influence people who either haven't seen through the agenda yet or who didn't understand its real-world implications for civilization.

"There will be mass starvation"? There's supposed to be. They want a global population of 500 million people, tops. "The climate crisis is a public health crisis"? There's no such thing as "the public's" health, which is an individual attribute, not a collective one, and there's no "climate crisis." Back in 1994, Hillary was screaming about a "health care crisis," but as a professional grifter she's moved on to the Popular Thing. She talks about a "health crisis" with zero irony, too, because if she had her way none of the people killed by that Iberian heat wave will ever get air conditioning. Does she know that cold kills far more people than heat?

The Nut Zeroes demonize CO2 for a reason: "More CO2 produces more food." It's not because CO2--a trace gas that's just .04% of the atmosphere and that follows temperature increases but doesn't drive them--is bad or dangerous. They demonize it because it's *good.*

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I will share some photos on next meme set of the flooding where we stay in Phuket. We ourselves are on high ground in a covered not in use restaurant in front of the campsite, but we are moated in right now, i.e. there is no way to get out of the restaurant, including to go to the bathroom, that does not involve wading through at least six inches of water. The handyman in the camp brought either friends or family of his into the restaurant last night: a man, his wife and their 12 month old baby all staying in a tiny tent, clearly looking like they've been evacuated from their probably flooded home. It's the worst I've seen it here, but certainly not catastrophic. It's the September very rainy season. The Adaman Sea level, incidentally, has not budged one inch over it...

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