“Sex is a physical capacity, but its exercise is determined by man’s mind: by his choice of values, held consciously or subconsciously. To a rational man, sex is an expression of self-esteem, a celebration of himself and of existence. To the man who lacks self-esteem, sex is an attempt to fake it, to acquire its momentary illusion.”

Consider, if you can stand it, the mentality of someone who can’t appeal sexually to a rational adult and who isn’t attracted to rational adults, but to the bodies of children. Not to their minds, not to their values, not to their conscious virtues—because minors and especially very young minors can’t have formed any yet—but to their bodies alone, value-free. Pedophilia is so far from being an expression of and a recognition of values that it represents the absolute *negation* of values. It’s the ultimate attempt to divorce sex and virtue, and it’s done because the pedophile himself has. no. virtues. He’s a zero morally and intellectually. A rational person with well-defined values—intelligence, independence, rationality, integrity, honesty, bravery—will always be attracted to the highest expression of those attributes in another. That’s who will earn his love, and whose love he’ll want to earn. Without that value-based love, all that’s left is possession, in an animal’s sense of the word.

I hope that UK citizens and the entire world understands from this case the bottomless hatred your rulers are demonstrating for you, when they excuse pedophilia and punish Instagram opinions with prison time.

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19 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

Extreme non-standard sexual behaviors belong to a class of thought known as "luxury belief".

The two criteria for a luxury belief are:

1. It confers status on the person indulging in it.

2. It has no consequence for the person indulging in it; any cost is inevitably borne by the poor and marginalized.

Thus, climate change hysteria, mass illegal immigration, transgender acceptance, critical race theory, defunding the police, are all luxury beliefs. Status for the believer; misery for the peasants.

Paedophilia is an edge case; from their pronouncements you can see that the elites don't *really* think it is bad. But society at large still sees it as sufficiently disgusting that it needs to remain illegal and punishable by law.

So it is inevitable that Edwards would be prosecuted, but in the most cynically hypocritical way possible ; it couldn't be any other way in modern-day Britain, where almost everything that the system does is diametrically opposed to natural law.

So, you are more likely to be put in jail for calling someone a pedophile than for actually being one.

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