3 hrs agoLiked by Nicholas Creed

Read this a moment ago. Screen dependency decimated reading and, consequently, knowledge skills. The culture and ethos of the screen is flat and temporal, very immanent, very now, in some sense very ephemeral.

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I used to often leave the phone at home but now I have to vote for depends on the situation as we have no electricity in the camp so I usually haul it and the laptop and power bank to the nearest 7 Eleven with available chargers to power the devices up. That said such items are rarely on and connected at night due to the above situation and I find that I sleep much better that way! What if there were any emergency in my family? Well my husband sleeps next to me and we seperate so rarely that there is only one phone between the two of us right now. Considering the rest my family is 10,000 miles away I doubt I'd be of much use to them in a timely manner anyways...

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Apologies for typos, now fixed I think. Any suggested corrections welcome.

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