Fighting Defeatism
Thoughts on controlled opposition, freedom movement leadership, and decentralisation as effective resistance to globalist agendas.
Let us focus on the different cohorts within the ‘awake’ group, i.e. those who are aware of multiple narratives that thread together, and are either optimistic, pessimistic, or indifferent.
I see a growing number of comments across various platforms, both on alt-media and MSM, whereby people seem to be cheering on the ‘end times’ smug in the knowledge that they have foreknowledge of what is happening, yet content or defeatist enough to accept it as inevitable. Then there are the debates on who is controlled opposition, which I think are healthy debates to an extent. No matter how much we like or have begun to trust certain sources, we do not need to consolidate the ‘freedom movement’ into a centralised team. If there is another scamdemic based on SPARS, ramping up the Disease X hysteria, we should all use our own discernment for all sources of information that we consume.
If any ‘thought leaders’ within the freedom movement came out again in support of masking and lockdowns, with a caveat of “this time it’s different, we need stronger measures…”
Well, would you lap that up? That would be a huge red flag. The manipulation of fear can do interesting things. Sasha Latypova has an excellent article on the manipulation of fear and the latest fearmongering over the allegedly 100% lethal virus (tested on mice):
Let’s do a quick neuro-linguistic programming analysis:
Word #1: LETHAL
Word #3: of HUMAN
Oh, my goodness! Do you know why these 3 words were carefully placed in those positions?
What are the chances, in your opinion, that a regular Joe reads past these 3 words of the title? What are the chances a journalist reads more than these 3 words? Or a doctor, or a scientist? What are the chances YOU read past the headline, be honest? Pretty close to zero is my answer.
Verify first, then trust. Always discern by yourself and for yourself. I was looking through old articles I’d written in 2022 and found a piece on a study from Boson University showing a ‘new engineered chimera virus’ with an 80% mortality rate in mice, and I’m ashamed to say I was manipulated by fear and outrage, warning people of the ‘new bioweapon threat’…
Going back to the concept of a centralised freedom movement with clearly identifiable leadership, I think OffG surmised this well, writing:
Is there a move afoot to corral everyone who spoke out against the Covid pandemic” into a single group? To coalesce disparate strands of “Covid dissidents” into a single movement with “leaders”?
There does seem to be.
Is that a good thing? Absolutely not.
The strength and power of the Covid resistance was always that it was a distributed network of individuals, waking up on their own terms and doing their part as they saw fit. It could not be beheaded, because it had no head. A shoal of fish avoiding sharks in unison, rather than a hive with a queen.
The centralisation of anything, begets hierarchies, arrogance, vulnerability, corruption, and dogma. The centralised nature of the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, the World Economic Forum, and the US government’s department of defense, enables resistance to be mounted and directed at these organisations. There is a hierarchy. Identifiable individuals within each organisation can be held accountable and culpable for their roles in the ongoing democide, along with their attempts to take over all of earth’s resources; ultimately enslaving the human race.
The whole point of decentralised resistance to the tyranny of the past four years is that it can be faceless, nameless, and local. Decentralisation facilitates pockets of resistance and information sharing across all demographics, backgrounds, geographical locations, and all mediums of media. When I see popular alt-media personalities and others within the ‘movement’ moving things in the right direction, I will take that as progress. The same goes for those media voices who were late to the party, pleading rehabilitation, having ‘seen the light’. I may not agree with everything they say. I might still be suspicious of their motives. I will use my own discernment, and validate information as best I can, without taking things at face value, or being told what is true, what is false, who to follow, or who to dismiss.
If we are too steeped in paranoia and accusations that everybody might be controlled opposition, then we are mired in infighting, rather than focusing on solutions. If we are resigned to the belief that the parasite class have everything in place and cannot be stopped, then we will, absolutely, will that reality into existence. Every passing pessimistic remark we make, leads to apathetic and defeatist behaviour, followed by our actions manifesting in everyday life. In which case, we might as well have a QR code tattooed on our foreheads and a chip implanted in our wrists, before we get herded into the nearest ‘quarantine camp’.
Alternatively, we can strive to do a bit of extra work to verify sources of information ourselves, focus on spreading information to others, both warning of the threats we are facing and hopefully offering local, decentralised solutions too.
If our mindset is geared towards the inherent weaknesses of the grand plans for digital ID, CBDC, Agenda 2030, and WHO dominance over national sovereignty - and all of these goals being too ambitious for them to pull off, too fraught with cracks and early signs of imminent failure - then it will all fail.
It will fail because it is anti-human. It will fail because we can will that reality into existence with our everyday actions.
I like the concept of this new decentralised campaign to crowdsource ideas for producing templates to share as mailer flyers, leaflets, linking to more information online, about the various agendas, starting with the bioweapon ‘vaccines’. The brainchild of TRITORCH’s stack, check it out:
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok based dissident blogger. All content is free for all readers, with nothing locked in archive that requires a paid subscription. Any support is greatly appreciated.
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"If we are resigned to the belief that the parasite class have everything in place and cannot be stopped, then we will, absolutely, will that reality into existence. Every passing pessimistic remark we make, leads to apathetic and defeatist behaviour, followed by our actions manifesting in everyday life."
This is spot on and brilliant in its clarity. The future is ours to seize. As long as our capacity to dream and to will that dream remains, choice defies fate; and thus does freedom defy slavery.
"The brainchild of TRITORCH’s stack, check it out:"
Thanks for bringing your audience into this cause. As you point out, distributed decentralization is key. Anyone anywhere can grab a flyer - or create one themselves - that resonates with them and canvas a town with it. The first step to solving any problem is becoming aware of it, and spreading this knowledge is a great way to wake others up and activate them.
"we should all use our own discernment for all sources of information that we consume."
thank you .