"If we are resigned to the belief that the parasite class have everything in place and cannot be stopped, then we will, absolutely, will that reality into existence. Every passing pessimistic remark we make, leads to apathetic and defeatist behaviour, followed by our actions manifesting in everyday life."

This is spot on and brilliant in its clarity. The future is ours to seize. As long as our capacity to dream and to will that dream remains, choice defies fate; and thus does freedom defy slavery.

"The brainchild of TRITORCH’s stack, check it out:"

Thanks for bringing your audience into this cause. As you point out, distributed decentralization is key. Anyone anywhere can grab a flyer - or create one themselves - that resonates with them and canvas a town with it. The first step to solving any problem is becoming aware of it, and spreading this knowledge is a great way to wake others up and activate them.

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Jan 21Liked by Nicholas Creed

"we should all use our own discernment for all sources of information that we consume."

thank you .

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Jan 24Liked by Nicholas Creed

Somewhere I read that it takes just 3% of a population to change history, and I tend to believe it. Majorities don't move events. They're carried along by them. Small minorities of committed actors change history for better or worse, and the inert majorities are dragged along behind them, willingly or not. So leaving aside the fact that evil contains the seeds of its own downfall, I don't understand the defeatism when it comes to defying the parasite class. Even counting their captive governments and bureaucracies (as distinct from their subjects), they're still well below 3% of the populations of just Europe and North America. They're rich? So what? The US and Russia were rich compared to the Afghans, and how'd that work out for the superpowers? We don't have to match the kakistocracy's wealth. We just have to act with integrity. On an individual level, one person doing the right thing can encourage others without a word passing between them. Integrity is a reproach to the kinds of people who enjoy their chains, but if you've had the experience of going unmuzzled in public and seeing someone else acting rationally, too, you know how powerful the sight of integrity and defiance in others can be. Since January, 2020 my mantra has been the Solzhenitsyn quote: "Let a lie come into the world. Let it even triumph. But not through me."

Humans as a species have advanced technologically in really incredible ways, but morally we're still roaming savannas and beating each other to death with rocks to steal carrion. When we evolve past this fetish for centralized *anything,* including governments, we'll have really accomplished something.

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It's all psychological to convince the majority that they are the minority. I always appreciate a good Solzhenitsyn quote, and indeed not taking part in the lie is the first step all can take, across all the different narratives. I need to start volume 2 of the gulag archipelago soon, it's been sitting on the bookshelf a while.

Thanks for the positive message.

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Jan 20Liked by Nicholas Creed

I cannot agree with OffG's characteristic of dissidents as "fish avoiding a school of sharks." Rather, I think we are the Carnivores, confronted by an enormous fearful mass of Herbivores, who cling together for safety and are terrified of the free-ranging Carnivores, who are few in number. unorganized, but powerful in their ability to think and act freely outside the bounds of a group ideology.

In fact, a good metaphor for the bleak times we live in would be "The Triumph of the Herbivores".

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Don’t give in to fear porn , make it a footnote…. NOT a chapter.

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