Here in the USA every citizen commits multiple felonies per day as per the design of the system. Authorities can then choose whom to prosecute (persecute) when needed to control any dissent. Didn’t the IRS send an agent to Matt Tiabbi’s house while he was testifying in congress to send a message to the rest of us?

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The criminalization of everything has proceeded in the USA at a dizying pace. Cops in Thailand seem to have more compassion and discretion. All of these agendas are part of the same agenda: human enslavement to the master class

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That's right. Journalists, doctors, academics, Mothers, Fathers, are all being made examples of. Once the gulag goes digital the messages will be sent silently and efficiently, without the need for publicity.

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Good article; thanks.

I'm surprised by your fellow consultant's attitude, but maybe it's his reaction to the feeling of helplessness that overwhelms most of us at some stage of awakening. We realise that there's so much closing in on us that we freeze from - yes - fear. We realise that our loud screams have dropped into a void.

At this point most of us, I think, decide that living well is the best revenge, generating positive energy, speaking out quietly and personally, and to the extent that we are able to do so (those with dependents are less free to choose than those without, for example).

I respect those who, like you, are keeping my spirits up and helping me clarify my thoughts here on Substack. It matters not that you are anonymous. (It would be a different equation if you were professing expertise in a particular aspect of the madness).

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Good point on overwhelmed people and their coping mechanisms. I suppose it's not always due to apathy but also comes back to fear.

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Excellent Nicolas, some insightful comments about fear. As a counsellor (humanistic) I have dealt with clients' fear on many occasions. My method for minimising my own fears is to recognise a universal power greater than I from which I believe 100% in the work of angels from many personal experiences.

Angels work by causing strangers to come to me (a stranger is a friend I have not yet met) for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. They always deliver gifts, free of asking for any return, which for me is the essence of love. Rick came to me this way and being a yachtsman we have a common bond by delivering gifts too others. Landsmen tend to work on a competitive basis - "you do this for me and I will do this for you - this is 'trading' and is the antithesis of love.

I use Jesus' teaching for the basis my moral and behavioural guide during my Earth-walk. I can thus be described as a "Christian Deist" and often quote His wisdom in my writing and comments. I have used this beautiful little book for 30 years to help my clients engage in personal transformation using 12 lessons: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Love-Letting-Fear-Gerald-Jampolsky/dp/158761118X

Fear is rooted in the sense of not getting what I want (not need) and fear of losing what I have. But a quick appraisal of our Maker's Creation reveals that all we ever need is actually free. The use of money has corrupted the peace and serenity which is obtained by understanding the wisdom of Jesus:

"On this account I say to you: Stop being anxious about your lives as to what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your bodies as to what you will wear. Does not life mean more than food and the body than clothing? Observe intently the birds of heaven; they do not sow seed or reap or gather into storehouses, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth more than they are? Who of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span?" [Matthew 6:25-27]

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There was a real life "Lord of the Flies" incident. It couldn't have been more different from the fictional story.


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I had a no idea about this, fascinating story, thanks for sharing the link.

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nice article.

I read Lord of the Flies as a teenager in a dingy shed, sitting on a lawnmower, after my father's satanic ex-wife banished me from the house until I complied with her dictates, which I didn't want to do. It made a deep impression.

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Gosh that sounds like a traumatic and immersive circumstance in which to read LOTF.

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Boy did you say a mouthful here. Greetings from Bangkok! I plan on updating my substack soon about my personal situations. The US Embassy just inquired a few minutes ago on why I hadn't scheduled my husband's medical check. Would you be in a big hurry to send your spouse into someplace where you know full well permanent injury or death could be the outcome? Once bitten twice shy would be an understatement here. I have a very specific bad experience with immigration jabs given by the panel physician in Bangkok, Thailand BEFORE Covid jabs were even on the market...

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Welcome back to the land of masks! Keep persevering with those gatekeepers and I look forward to the post update :-)

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It hasn't been as bad as I feared it would be here on facemasks: we've been on BTS, MRT, taxis, tuk tuks, bus stations and the like. I'm going with overall numbers of 50-50 in my observation, which is definitely above both Phuket and Nakhom Phanom, where 25-30% is the norm. It's not at a level that scares the crap out of me like Phuket in 2021 or the sea of Facemasks in Tokyo in 2022 during my short time there. I've learned to ignore adherents of this new religion in much the same way that I ignore full burka wearing Islam women at Nai Yang Beach: I find it curious, contradictory (as often their young children, especially the boys, are swimming naked in the water) and it looks quite uncomfortable (a hot sunny day covered head to toe with black robes and can't go swim sounds shitty to me), but at the end of the day, as long as they leave me alone about my choices, I'm going to leave them alone about theirs...

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Note : should be noted that many who did stand their ground lost their livelihoods ! But, those who complied with forcing shots on others to "save themselves" were in a tough position . It does appear that the majority did "follow orders" ... however. AND, let's definitely not forget those who were giving those orders ! and .......... still are !

Is there really such a thing as Karma ??????????????

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I've more compassion for those who were 'duped' into taking the bioweapon, succumbed to pressure from family at threat of being banned from seeing relatives, and of course those who were coerced at the point of losing employment. Those are the ones whom have been most approachable as reality has become harder for them to hide from - those people are easier to reach and share tips on detox guides etc.

Sadly, others who dehumanised me, have never apologised, or, after the injection hysteria wore off, continued to make light of the plight of the uninjected being irrelevant or not applicable. Those friendships are gone. I'll always wonder if their true persona was revealed as totalitarianism arose, or if their personalities underwent changes as result of the bioweapon.

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I agree totally with the first part . Many, if not the majority of Western society has been conditioned to "trust" and obey govts, societal norms, and those blank blank "experts" .

Of course, that was not for everyone :-) Sometimes it is the rebellious ones who seek a different truth, lifestyle, that has meaning for them . Individuals. Always been pressure put on that type.

As for the second part : many shades of grey in the soul of humans. A lot of good. And.... also many degrees of not so good . ( and lots of excuses 555. but thats another topic)

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"My behavior over the past few years would have got me and my family killed by the Nazis, as I’m sure is the case with many reading this. If I was faced with the dilemma of getting jabbed or having my family killed, I certainly would have taken the jab. If it was a matter of fighting for the Nazi party or my family being murdered, I would have certainly suited up and fought for the motherland. These were the realities the Germans faced.

In America the past several years, people have complied to remain comfortable. Americans have given into the woke policies with no threat of violence or death, just the need to fit in and be more comfortable. People have allowed their elections to be stolen and their God to be blasphemed and they’ve stayed quiet about it. It’s kind of hard to look down at the Germans for giving in when many today have given in without a true threat to themselves or their families—just a desire to be more comfortable."

this contribution to Badlands Media, please consider checking out more of my work for free at Erik’s Substack.


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Nov 2, 2023
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Their products are high quality, their staff are well paid and well treated.

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the same can probably be said about many of the private servants and armies of the masters who have stolen all the assets from the masses.

you are indeed fearful , sir . but there are so many "definitions" for human actions. And lovely word salad answers . Fearful might be another word for pragmatic. Or , self preservation.

why do so many people quote scriptures and assign all faith or whatever to some "higher being" ?

I believe it was my friend George who worshipped little Martians that appeared to him in dreams. I am not sure if he "feared them" ... as many do their gods.

Me, i'll just go with the idea that "god" is within all of us . Unfortunately, this seems to set people with different "gods" to killing each other . Because... well, theirs is the true god, of course .

Me, i believe i'll have another beer . Surely humor is the true god , as a laugh is the best of humanity . When shared with good will. But even the laugh, the smile ....... can be twisted into an evil thing.

oh boy......... time for breakfast. good luck to all, navigating YOUR lives .

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