When we contemplate the multiple horrors which self-important elites impose on citizens, we need to understand that this is nothing new, but is simply human nature, though multiplied these days by the power of the "perverted science" of technology.

It was over 75 years ago that CS Lewis penned words which are as true today as when he wrote them, because he was talking about human nature.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. "

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That quote is highly relevant today indeed. Thank you for posting that Rick.

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Lewis went on to write: "They [the moral busybodies] may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult.

"To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

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“Parris goes on to cite the cost of medical provisions ‘eating into Britain’s economic competitiveness against less socially generous nations.’” Lol. “We’d be winning but we’re so awesomely generous that it burns.” Isn’t the whole point of socialist medicine to sneer at “economic competitiveness”? At anything economics-related? At the idea of “take what you want and pay for it”? The same people who screamed that the cost of medical care was bankrupting individuals are now howling that the cost of medical care is bankrupting everyone, so die already. The same humanitarian brother-lovers who insisted that economics should have nothing to do with medical care because (pick one) price is no object/health care is a human right/all the cool countries are doing it—those people would rather see you dead than pay for you. But hasn’t their whole schtick been that self-interest is bad and sacrifice is good? Do they ever stop saying that? So why are they unwilling to sacrifice “economic competitiveness”?

Wasn’t the whole selling point of socialist medicine its allegedly humane treatment of the sick and injured, who couldn’t possibly be expected to pay for their own stuff? The same people who insisted that capitalists are cruel and want people to die—now want people to die because why? Money. If that seems like a contradiction or hypocrisy, think again. It’s much worse. Collectivism is a death cult sold to the naive as the moral high ground. Socialism has always intruded into medicine specifically for the purpose of withholding care, not providing it. Rationing and shortages are features, not bugs. Its advocates have always been quite open about that: “Look how many MRI’s the US has! Why, some hospitals even have more than one. There are stand-alone imaging clinics with multiple machines! We should be more like Canada, where there’s just one to every province. That’s the way to run a health care system!” It is, if you want people to die on waiting lists. Does everyone remember Zeke Emanuel, who ideates a society in which all lives are ended at age 75?

So here’s the end of collectivism’s road: literal self-destruction. The end of the road of all those calls for “sacrifice” and those admonitions to stop being “selfish” and open your wallet for everyone else on the planet is: die so they don’t have to pay for you.

I don’t care whether people kill themselves or not. If their loved ones and doctors can provide a more objective view and talk them out of it, great, but ultimately it’s no one’s business what someone does with his own life, including deciding that it’s unbearable. But like every other intimately personal decision in life, the government has no business anywhere near euthanasia. Just as in the US the government farms out its Bill of Rights violations to the social media companies, so governments in the UK and Canada are farming out death to “medical professionals.” “Medical professionals” whose advice, leaving aside their record of the last four years, should be considered suspect just based on their willingness to work as slaves in a socialist medical system.

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The end road is self destruction, or rather enabled and facilitated and highly encouraged self destruction. During the EUA countermeasure C19 injection campaign it was all about "if it saves just one life it is worthwhile". Now the eugenicists are emboldened to say out loud "if it takes one life and saves money it is worth it".

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Exactly. Self-destruction on an individual and civilizational level. And "if it saves just one life" was always a massive lie.

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Anyone with a fucking brain knows for a fact that all the problems with humanity are because of impacted human competition, AKA unregulated repopulation. The objective of the Elites to cull the herd is evil, no doubt.

However, the greedy elites are not doing anything the masses aren't doing; they are more mercenary. The masses steer the culture to celebrate their own individual greed. It is not just the greed of consumerism but also the greed of procreating for the sake of genetic avidity over the impact those actions impose on society. Children are celebrated and deemed "precious" even though most humans are produced under conditions of economic precarity, where the added dependent(s) compounds people's struggle. Greed is universal across the economic strata, just exercised in different methods.

Greedy fucking breeders. Unlimited expansion within a limited boundary will inevitably develop interspecific predation, aka Impacted Human Competition (IHC). Once again, the Elites' behavior (fiscal greed) is just a reflexive result of an unchecked apex species whose populace has gone hypercritical due to the result of the basic involuntary human impulse to prioritize genetic avidity above all other concerns (genetic greed).

Surplus humanity (labor) can only exist when our species does not regulate the population. The Elites encourage the breeding free-for-all because they know the mouthbreathers will outbreed the productive people, giving them endless cannonfodder.

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