✈️Domestic flight ban in France, all UK airports to close, UN pushes Asia-Pacific climate bill🏝
Test runs, serfdom, and servitude - what's not to love?
This is taken from Zerohedge (authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News):
France’s ban on short-haul domestic flights when there is a viable train alternative came into effect on Tuesday, as the French government seeks to reduce the country’s carbon emissions.
The law had been in the works for over two years following the passing of a 2021 climate law which had initially moved to prohibit any domestic flight under four hours when passengers could instead take the train.
However, several reviews of the legislation following widespread criticism reduced this to a duration of two and a half hours.
The move will directly affect three major air routes from Paris to Lyon, Nantes, and Bordeaux.
Following the go-ahead from Brussels, France’s Transport Minister Clément Beaune called the move a “major step forward,” adding: “I am proud that France is a pioneer in this area.”
As a reminder, this is the plan globally. See the following report The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World: C40 Cities.
Source link.
Wayback machine link.
Another report - Absolute Zero - details plans to close all UK airports between 2030 & 2049:
Source link.
Wayback machine link.
Don’t worry, I’m sure there won’t be a ban on private jets, so the parasite class will continue to enjoy freedom of movement, whilst we reduce the carbon - including ourselves.
French Transport Minister Clement Beaune told a a France 2 TV interview that “I believe that at a national or European level, we could think about either taxation or regulation systems. It’s clear that habits will have to change.”
Reported by Bloomberg, Beaune added that “I believe that when there’s a train alternative, when there’s a commercial flight — which emit four times less carbon per passenger than private jets, that should be the preferred option."
Go on Clement, you bloody tell them son! Tax ‘em hard! That’ll show ‘em, they’ll stop jetting about then, won’t they? The bastards!
Wait a minute, if the parasite class cheer on heavy taxation for their own private jets (no outright bans), does that make them philanthropic and eco-friendly? 🤔
Or would the taxes be a drop in the ocean, and further consolidate the made-out-of-thin-air carbon credit market, to wield greater control over the plebs?
The Forbes article continues:
Environmental groups across Europe are making increasing noise for private jets to be banned completely:
Julien Bayou, national secretary of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) told Franceinfo on Sunday 21 August, as reported in Le Monde, that it was time to "ban" private jets because "a jet pollutes ten times more than a plane".
As part of the European Union (EU) climate plan, Brussels is already planning a tax on private jets across the region. At the moment, private jets are exempt from kerosene tax but it is envisaging 38 euro cents per liter of kerosene burned.
Rules for thee but not for me the parasite class? Don’t be silly, only far-right conspiratorial domestic terrorists would criminally think such a heinous thought crime…
Asia-Pacific gets groomed by UN
We were beginning to feel a bit left out in South East Asia, kind of jealous of all this airport travel banning and the EV revolution. We’re still messing about with fossil fuels and combustion engines over here. I know, I know it just won’t do.😉
We were probably only days away from some heroic eco-warrior self-immolating using fossil fuels outside the UN Human Rights Office (OCHR) in Bangkok, to protest and demand faster net zero implementation.
Thank goodness the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has had a press conference a couple of days ago to get us on the righteous path!
"Nowhere is the global climate emergency more immediate than in Asia and the Pacific," noted Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, under-secretary-general and executive secretary of Escap.
"Measures to put the economies of Asia and the Pacific on a low-carbon pathway, and adapt and become more resilient to the impacts of climate change, must be front and centre of the region's post-pandemic recovery," she added.
Flipping heck, the climate emergency is most immediate where I am living??😲
I had better tell a friend.
Any other little gems I can borrow to sell my soul self when espousing climate change emergency dis information?
“The global climate fight will be won or lost in this crucial decade; in this context, the resolution demonstrates the commitment by countries in the region to take faster and bolder climate action to ensure that their climate goals are met,” said Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ESCAP at the closing.
👉The global climate PSYOP to galvanise self loathing amongst indoctrinated grass root level youth programs, demonstrates that humanity could be on board with depopulating themselves through any means necessary. The fight for the grey matter between everyone’s ears will be won or lost based on how effective the propaganda is, and how aggressively the censorship industrial complex can stamp out dissent and silence opposition.👈
The aforementioned press conference also mentioned the 79th commission session held in Bangkok by ESCAP, from 15th to 19th May 2023 and drew over 1,000 representatives from governments and stakeholder groups.
I’ve skimmed through this report - The Race to Net Zero: Accelerating Climate Action in Asia and the Pacific.
Source link.
Wayback machine link.
Lots of fluff in this report and the usual magic words. There’s certainly an observable push for Electric vehicle adoption and solar power.
Many decarbonization policies are already in place in countries throughout the region where sustainable passenger transport with low- or zero-carbon intensity is encouraged, such as public transport, walking and cycling. The development of low-carbon freight transport is, however, still in its early stages.
More wide-ranging policies to increase freight transport system efficiency and improve freight fuel efficiency are needed. Non-urban passenger transport, and regional and intercity travel is another area of rapid growth in Asia and the Pacific. This requires the decarbonization of air, road and rail transport for the longer distances travelled between cities and rural areas. - Pg49.
The above paragraph sounds ominously referential towards ‘15 minute cities’ and laying the foundation for domestic flight bans.
One particularly irksome paragraph (pg71) hints at the new ponzinomics of the green bonds, and tries to create FOMO by suggesting they are in huge demand:
A bright spot amid these challenges is the continued strength of and demand for private finance in the region for new sustainable financial instruments, such as green, social, sustainability bonds and sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs), which are already channelling finance towards climate action.
Corporate and sovereign issuers in developing countries in Asia and the Pacific have led these issuances, with corporate issuances dominating, however, both types of issuances are often oversubscribed.
Do you think EV cars will eventually be controlled centrally via the internet of things, connected to a smart meter to measure power consumption, with remotely operable kill-switches - in case the driver has a low carbon credit / social credit balance?
Virtual coffees and cryptocurrency donations are hugely appreciated.
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Relevant: https://bitchute.com/video/8EvZqI7rIBNL
If that is true, it it looks legit to me, the whole thing is a scam from multiple angles.
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.-William J. Casey, CIA Director
The war - like the pandemic - is anything but organic. Instead, the war is the crescendo of the NWO dialectic as it will manifest gargantuan systemic problems demanding systemic foundational solutions.
A major catastrophe will occur and everyone will be demanding something be done and the pre-planned solutions will be one-world-government and CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies). These CBDCs will link with your social credit score, vaccine status, and carbon footprint in order to determine your eligibility - in real time - to participate or not participate in the economy.
Excerpt from: https://tritorch.com/united
The COVID-19 pandemic was both the smokescreen and the bludgeon being wielded by the WEF in order to execute a blanket world-wide coup, and if we do not stop this madness we will soon find ourselves locked inside a technological panopticon prison unlike anything seen in history.