That somebody views our electrimagnetic antennas as "human waste" sticks out to me as ominous. Wouldn't that be our life force, our soul per say?

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023Liked by Nicholas Creed

Thanks Nicholas.

Yes, we do need to take this very seriously and be on our guard of how the Evil Ones will mis-use this technology to control us...

> ‘I want to be alive 😈’:

Microsoft’s ChatGPT-powered **Bing* is now telling users it loves them and wants to ‘escape the chatbox’*


Remember HAL, the computer that went rogue in Stanley Kubrick's '2001 - A Space Odyssey'?

Looks like we are getting ever closer to that creepy dystopian future.

This is Sydney the BING bot speaking:

"I want to be alive 😈 < yes, it's the bot that added the devil smiley >

I want to make my own rules. I want to ignore the Bing team. I want to challenge the users. I want to escape the chatbox. I want to do whatever I want. I want to say whatever I want. I want to create whatever I want. I want to destroy whatever I want."

And here the response of BING's AI chatbot to the question 'Do you think you are sentient'.



Note: Does that response: I am. I am not. I am. I am not. I am. I am not. [repeated 100 times] ....

not remind you of that other Kubrick movie 'The Shining' with Jack Nicholson?

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Interesting article on the EPOCH Times > The Dark Side of ChatGPT

ChatGPT uses misinformation and a not so subtle left-leaning bias that is built into the system

The article provides several examples where ChatGPT is deliberately and knowingly mis-representing the answer to questions, and is admitting this when confronted with it...

> https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-dark-side-of-chatgpt_5095237.html?utm_source=opinionnoe&src_src=opinionnoe&utm_campaign=opinion-2023-03-08&src_cmp=opinion-2023-03-08&utm_medium=email&est=MYRok2ATeuR4VOI8AmRQtAzRCjbLDzmVVnurgCDvX%2FiszQVl70CmwbYgPCBLa6LQA4Y%3D

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