MSM follows the "farmers are hoarding the land" playbook from the Soviet Union era designating farmers as 'Kulaks'. A "man on the street' interviewer mingles amongst protestors as farmers fight back..
We have had a proposed inheritance tax from our socialists too. We have a socialist Professor asshat called deVos at UCT University of Cape town, which I refer to as University of Controlled Terrorists who wrote an article called "Privilege and inheritance: Time to disrupt intergeneration transfers of wealth"
In South Africa Universities were very influenced by Marxists and communists like the SACP.
They dream about taking other peoples hard earned money (Wealth & Property) and redistributing it. It's a mental sickness of envy.
This assault on small and medium-sized farms by governments is of course not a pure UK phenomenon.
In the US, obviously who else but Bill Gates of Hell, is already the largest owner of farm-land.
And at the other side of the globe in New Zealand the Gene Technology Bill is currently being voted for in the NZ parliament. Once approved in NZ, this will open the door for similar (de)regulations in other countries....
Here the link to an article by dr Guy Hatchard raising the alarm-bell for the disastrous consequences once it would be approved.
We have had a proposed inheritance tax from our socialists too. We have a socialist Professor asshat called deVos at UCT University of Cape town, which I refer to as University of Controlled Terrorists who wrote an article called "Privilege and inheritance: Time to disrupt intergeneration transfers of wealth"
In South Africa Universities were very influenced by Marxists and communists like the SACP.
They dream about taking other peoples hard earned money (Wealth & Property) and redistributing it. It's a mental sickness of envy.
Hi Nicholas,
This assault on small and medium-sized farms by governments is of course not a pure UK phenomenon.
In the US, obviously who else but Bill Gates of Hell, is already the largest owner of farm-land.
And at the other side of the globe in New Zealand the Gene Technology Bill is currently being voted for in the NZ parliament. Once approved in NZ, this will open the door for similar (de)regulations in other countries....
Here the link to an article by dr Guy Hatchard raising the alarm-bell for the disastrous consequences once it would be approved.
Thank you, as ever Peter, for feeding me with more ammunition as links and resources for new topics!