"I will say this - I do not believe that the State should have anything to do with this emotionally charged, delicate situation, whatsoever - when it comes to families considering assisted suicide for their loved one who might be in constant pain with a terminal diagnosis."
I agree 100%. The Government should not have anything to do with the beliefs or decisions within families.
Governments clearly exposed their hate for and disdain for citizens during Covid19 when the legalised murder by injection.
We extend the benevolence of an easy, painless death to our pets whenever we judge the quality of their lives to be unbearable or the burden of life to be too great. I've had to make that call for over a dozen animals over the years, and it's agonizing even when it's without question the best thing left to do for them. I don't understand why we don't extend that benevolence to people. Humans have the power to make that same judgement about their *own* lives. The decision to end one's life is the most intimately personal decision anyone can make and no one has the right to make that call for anyone else. Not a bureaucrat, a politician, a neighbor, or a spouse. "Life no matter what agony it inflicts" is morally and criminally wrong whether the life in question is a human's or an animal's.
Anyone who's appalled by the idea of people offing themselves so they won't "burden society" should re-examine his or her commitment to the morality of altruism, because that's where that bullshit comes from. When people aren't viewed as the means to each other's ends there can be no question of bureaucrats considering the bottom line of entitlement programs, because there would be no entitlements. There would be no bureaucrats with the gall to suggest euthanasia to Paralympians. People like Gauthier wouldn't be considered disposable. But as long as the overriding morality of a culture says that the value of someone's life is defined by how well he "sacrifices to others," then no one should be surprised when that sacrifice includes killing himself for them. In such a culture, death is the point of the whole exercise. The "useless eaters" globalists are just being explicit about taking altruism to its logical conclusion of all cannibalizing all.
I hadn't thought of it like that - as an ultimate virtue signal in how well (how far?) someone "sacrifices to others". That is mind-bendingly dark, yet not far fetched in this current landscape. The end goal has always been to make people want their own demise. That it is now so overt is not shocking to me. What I'm dreading more is the first encounter with anyone I know personally, who says how great the euthanasia program is in 'unburdening the NHS' or some twisted logic to that effect.
I can find little evidence in order to automatically trust governments, the medical profession or any other strangers. Here is a logical progression of ‘dying with dignity.’ Lol!
World Leaders Sign WEF Treaty Introducing ‘Age of Death’ Laws in West
Hi Zarayna, I also saw this story elsewhere but I was reluctant to jump on it and include it as there are no source links to verify it. The film 'Logan's Run' may well have been a documentary after all, but for now all I can provably document is the euthanasia drive.
"I will say this - I do not believe that the State should have anything to do with this emotionally charged, delicate situation, whatsoever - when it comes to families considering assisted suicide for their loved one who might be in constant pain with a terminal diagnosis."
I agree 100%. The Government should not have anything to do with the beliefs or decisions within families.
Governments clearly exposed their hate for and disdain for citizens during Covid19 when the legalised murder by injection.
We extend the benevolence of an easy, painless death to our pets whenever we judge the quality of their lives to be unbearable or the burden of life to be too great. I've had to make that call for over a dozen animals over the years, and it's agonizing even when it's without question the best thing left to do for them. I don't understand why we don't extend that benevolence to people. Humans have the power to make that same judgement about their *own* lives. The decision to end one's life is the most intimately personal decision anyone can make and no one has the right to make that call for anyone else. Not a bureaucrat, a politician, a neighbor, or a spouse. "Life no matter what agony it inflicts" is morally and criminally wrong whether the life in question is a human's or an animal's.
Anyone who's appalled by the idea of people offing themselves so they won't "burden society" should re-examine his or her commitment to the morality of altruism, because that's where that bullshit comes from. When people aren't viewed as the means to each other's ends there can be no question of bureaucrats considering the bottom line of entitlement programs, because there would be no entitlements. There would be no bureaucrats with the gall to suggest euthanasia to Paralympians. People like Gauthier wouldn't be considered disposable. But as long as the overriding morality of a culture says that the value of someone's life is defined by how well he "sacrifices to others," then no one should be surprised when that sacrifice includes killing himself for them. In such a culture, death is the point of the whole exercise. The "useless eaters" globalists are just being explicit about taking altruism to its logical conclusion of all cannibalizing all.
I hadn't thought of it like that - as an ultimate virtue signal in how well (how far?) someone "sacrifices to others". That is mind-bendingly dark, yet not far fetched in this current landscape. The end goal has always been to make people want their own demise. That it is now so overt is not shocking to me. What I'm dreading more is the first encounter with anyone I know personally, who says how great the euthanasia program is in 'unburdening the NHS' or some twisted logic to that effect.
I can find little evidence in order to automatically trust governments, the medical profession or any other strangers. Here is a logical progression of ‘dying with dignity.’ Lol!
World Leaders Sign WEF Treaty Introducing ‘Age of Death’ Laws in West
Hi Zarayna, I also saw this story elsewhere but I was reluctant to jump on it and include it as there are no source links to verify it. The film 'Logan's Run' may well have been a documentary after all, but for now all I can provably document is the euthanasia drive.
Thank you. I understand.