The land of smiles masks is amongst a small number of countries in South East Asia that cannot or will not move on from the worsening new normal cultish behaviour.
During a recent taxi journey though Bangkok, I witnessed the double masked (+plastic face shielded) driver let go of the wheel entirely for the third time within ten minutes to frantically scrub his hands with alcohol sanitiser causing a near-collision.
I felt compelled to write about the collective state of the hive-mind within the general populace.
I wish to pre-emptively stress that I am generalising across all nationalities & demographic cohorts resident in the Kingdom of Thailand. It is challenging not to segue into the “vaccine” uptake topic for the sake of the aforementioned subject matter of focus here.
I shall follow up with a part two to cover this, for which the readers here can make their own deductions concerning the current zeitgeist and the outrageous level of state-sponsored-propaganda.
For the scarce number of sane, awake, free-thinking Homo sapiens in this corner of the globe, the bizarre un-reality we find ourselves in, is becoming stranger and stranger by the day.
Looking outwards, we see a growing number of countries returning to some semblance of normality, ditching the Rona-related-restrictions and literally seeing the return of the face.
Personally, I breathed a sigh of relief when this announcement was made by the MOPH (ministry of public health) in early February:
This nugget was quietly released into the ether with no mainstream coverage, and I was only able to find one Thai-language version. I quickly realised that the loss of the face nightmare was far from over.
I even resorted to printing out both versions of the announcement to produce when challenged over my pro-face stance in local businesses and for the security guards manning the entrances of local parks.
Blank stares ensued, shrugged shoulders, and for those courteous enough to respond verbally, I’d get something like “Well I don’t know about that, these are the rules here".
In my attempts to spread the good news of mask restrictions being lifted / not being enforced (similar announcements are pounced on with joyous celebration in other countries), I imagine I came across as an insane, deranged outlier to be shunned immediately and not to be trusted.
On a lighter note, let us run through the variety of responses one might give when challenged for daring to reveal their facial features, along with the typical reactions:
“The secret to existence is freedom from fear” - used with an elderly lady sweeping her driveway, whilst strolling through the leafy suburbs of Bangkok. She told me she was going to call the police and ran inside her house.
“The new normal fashion just isn’t my thing” - a friend used with colleagues who fell silent momentarily, then exploded with apoplectic rage, ranting that masks aren’t a fashion and that they obviously keep everyone safe.
“Why did you all put your masks on when I entered the shop?” - the staff replied “because we are scared of you!”
“I hope you get well soon.” Reaction = catatonic trance.
Bangkok certainly seems most affected, there are more faces visible on the islands, where people are choosing life. One universal observation throughout the country is the highly uncomfortable perception of a two-tier class system, or visibly forced servitude regarding all staff wearing masks in the service industries.
In restaurants, I make a point of joking with the waitresses that I hope we can see their faces again soon, or empathising with them how uncomfortable their plight must be.
I’d say that 50% of the time they’ll thank me and complain about their terrible skin problems resulting from double-masking 12 hours per day, and the other 50% will tell me point blank that the masks keep them safe.
Aside from the waitresses, one can notice a 99.9% customer adherence to the unwritten new normal etiquette of wearing a mask whilst perusing the menu (and right up until the food arrives) as well as re-muzzling the second they have inhaled their last morsel, after eating as if they have just gotten out of prison.
Signaling one’s virtue is seen to be of paramount importance, unifying the collective and helping one blend in.
When I notice friends who are supposedly ‘awake’ still hiding their faces (un-prompted) on the streets, when entering private businesses, when going to the restroom at a restaurant or bar, I press them on why they continue to do this.
They tell me it is in order to avoid confrontation, to make others feel more comfortable.
I wonder how long they are willing to make such allowances for the sake of other people’s hypnotic state of indoctrinated mental illness? Another 6 months? A year? Indefinitely?
The saddest part of the whole theatrical charade surrounding the muzzles, is that children here have been ‘mandated’ to wear them at just two years old and onwards since 2020.
There are natural born outliers who resist the herd. I recall a little (unmasked) girl regarding me with bewilderment and intrigue in the local park’s open air gym area, under the watchful eye of her (masked) family seated opposite on the park benches.
I couldn’t help but crack a smile & burst out laughing as she trailed me from one piece of equipment to the next, with a puzzled expression wondering perhaps how and why there was an adult face on display.
All the other adults using the gym were masked and face shielded.
All that was missing was a David Attenborough-esque background narration…
“Now we can observe the unmasked foreigner in his recreational habitat, foraging for resistance cables, carelessly exhaling potentially deadly droplets of the latest variant all over the communal exercise stations…
most likely causing untold numbers of fatalities amongst his peers. He shall soon be exiled from the pack as an excommunicado Omega lone wolf…”
Walking out of the park I came across another (chin-diaper-masked) little girl, gleefully skipping along the path ahead of her Father, before being sternly reprimanded.
He knelt down beside her and crossly blurted out “what were you thinking? Don’t you ever, ever take your mask off!”
Then he forcefully re-muzzled his infant daughter. I wanted to intervene and shout at him and tell him this is child abuse, but alas I suppose it wasn’t my place. It did not sit well with me.

I illustrate these anecdotal instances because we all know that children absolutely need to be able to see people’s faces and their expressions in order to successfully develop comprehension around emotional states.
As well as the ability to literally form speech patterns during such critical cognitive developmental stages of childhood.
This has been covered by both the legacy media and the new media throughout the scamdemic.
The difference being that legacy media typically gloss over the psychological torment and impending multi-generational damage with greater good inference, or blame unvaccinated adults as the boogeyman being the reason why children are having to suffer by being masked.
The new media take a more empathetic outlook, and the in-depth scientific studies are truly harrowing in what they reveal. Key takeaway from the abstract of the linked study:
“We find that children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre-pandemic.”
In closing, let us firstly acknowledge that the precautionary principle and safetyism culture have caused.
This is still causing a significant majority of adults to see danger, recklessness, biohazards and risk in any and all forms of fun, leisure pursuits, recreation, and adventure.
Children replicate and mimic their parents’ behavioural norms, guiding principles, and their perception of right vs. wrong, risk vs. reward, dangerous vs. safe etc.…

Those who choose to imprison themselves in the biohazard bubble (both physical and socially constructed) of their own making, may never be free until they can break the hypnotic spell of propaganda induced fear and operation mass formation.
Finally, let us acknowledge that the term conspiracy theory is now predominantly thrown around casually by those who seek to shield themselves from anything contrary to the official narrative(s), to smear, to slander, to ridicule.
Ultimately, to project their own soul-piercing, all-consuming deepest fears, that the latest so-called conspiracy theory is imminently about to be validated as conspiracy reality.
Ask yourself, are you a conspiracy theorist? A conspiracy realist? Or a coincidence theorist?
I shall leave the readers with a prophetic (premeditated?) passage from the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Paper that “predicted” how a pandemic can be used as an excuse to establish global authoritarian power. Emphasis added is mine:
“During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.”
Now then, it seems that I’ve misplaced my tinfoil hat, so you’ll have to excuse me. Until next time, you infidels.
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok-based journalistic infidel impervious to propaganda. If you liked this content and wish to support the work, buy him a coffee or consider a crypto donation:
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