The Gulag Industrial Complex
Digital imprisonment, being unpersoned, and wrongthink persecution. This is set to become a burgeoning industry...If we let it happen.
Little by little we are all quietly noticing the censorship dragnet closing in on us. We continually fool ourselves into believing we have reached “peak clown world” - yet there are constantly new all time highs of absurdity reached. Absurdities enable atrocities. All dissent to all official narratives is to be viciously stamped out - or, so the powers-that-shouldn’t-be wish to realise. Perhaps the longer-term aim of the information war is to simply convince the masses that all is lost. That everything is already in place for one world government. That there is no hope. For without hope, fear thrives and spreads faster than an EUA countermeasure injection induced metastasised turbo-cancer.
Yet, there is always hope. It is a choice to keep hope alive in your mind and in your heart.
Your mind is your best weapon.
Do not confuse hope with hopium. The latter to be ridiculed as attaching to false idols, belief in a saviour-narrative, or lapping up the sinewy morsels of limited hangouts launched at us just for fun - like a scatter gun of propagandised confusion mixed in with slithers of truth.
Censorship milestone recap
Let us take a moment to revisit documented events of censoring-significance from the tyrannical 2020s to date, along with the rise of organisations that feed into the Gulag Industrial Complex.
Hailing from my Motherland in the United Kingdom, the 77th Brigade has been the tip of the unseen spear in the government’s information war - infiltrating forums and comment sections, collating data on dissidents, drawing up lists of whoever they deem to be bad eggs, and stirring up infighting within ‘alt-media’.
From their site via waybackmachine:
Chances are you have unknowingly interacted with someone from the 77th brigade at some point, as an anonymous poster in a comments section.
UK column put together a handy infographic expanding on the UK censorship network:
Racket News produced a fascinating infographic on censorship across all the corporations and entities involved:
The Global Disinformation Index (GDI). The ‘good people’ over at GDI have been busy bees since their splash debut report in 2019 - Adversarial Narratives: A New Model for Disinformation.
Yikes! “No division between military and civilian participation”. Is Marshall Mcluhan’s Culture Is Our Business to be used as an instruction manual for the GDI and the 77th Brigade? Much like how Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four seems to simultaneously serve as a warning to the serfs, and as a step-by-step guide in tyrannising the proles, for the government.
*The GDI is another UK brainchild. Sorry about that. I will pay reparations on behalf of my tyrannical government by producing more free content on Substack - is that fair?
You may read more on my alternative take on this here:
Trump Supporter Found Guilty, Faces Ten Years In Prison For 2016 Anti-Hillary Meme.
Former UK Cop Faces Prison For "Implying" Something Offensive In A Meme.
EU Digital Identity framework (eIDAS) another kind of chat control?
The proposed EU Digital Identity framework (eIDAS) aims to meddle with the process around internet certificates and will undermine the independence and security assurances of the basis for website security.
Hong Kong Government To Track Citizens With Next-Level CCP-Type COVID Smartphone App.
UK lawmaker John Penrose proposes dystopian idea to give citizens a truth score on social media.
I present all of these links and incremental evidential tightening of our open air prison planet’s walls without further individual comment - simply for posterity, and to highlight the journey of where we have come from. Then we may conclude with where we could be heading.
Shades of gulag
We needed to explore the so-called censorship industrial complex and the examples of online crackdowns, in order to understand the overall superstructure being built. A structure that can censor, oppress, tyrannise, and ultimately imprison / immobilise us throughout multiple domains. The sum total of how these domains sway influence over our lives, is what gives rise to the gulag industrial complex:
Physical imprisonment appears to be increasingly common resulting from political persecution - it seems to be a trend worldwide to simply cancel, forcibly disband, or otherwise ban any and all political opposition.
We have observed two-tier justice systems across political ideologies. Racism is being actively promoted by governments under the false pretenses of altruistic diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Everything is inverted - from justice systems, to morality, to good, evil, and truth itself.
We have seen hate speech weaponised and intertwined with various iterations of “online harms” bills, left intentionally vague and open to broad interpretation. Anything and everything can be labelled “far right” at the whim of a judge or a politician lobbying for more censorship, and less free speech…
👇This comedian’s point is well made!
People are afraid to criticise gender ideology, fearing the backlash…
Even though children are being mutilated, sterilised, and experimented on under the guise of “gender affirming care”.
Just when you thought things could not deteriorate any further with the depths of how broken society’s moral compass has become, the push to normalise paedophilia, and to make paedophiles a protected class, is being uncovered by Billboard Chris as an ongoing agenda.
Fast forward a few years, and could we see paedophiles given victimhood status? To what end? In speaking out against paedophilia, could you then be charged with ‘hate speech’, and thrown in the gulag? This sounds extreme and insane, yet it does not seem too far fetched. Consider how broken, degradated, and depraved our governmental decision makers have become.
Digital gulag imprisonment (super-imposed over physical reality limitations) is already all the rage in China - the test pilot country for panopticon surveillance, social credit scores, and preventing dissident serfs from buying train tickets and plane tickets - True reality of so-called ‘Smart cities’, if we let it happen:
Psychological imprisonment confines the individual to their own mind, making them terrified to ever utter any truisms, or to honestly express their viewpoint - for fear of being shunned, persecuted, ostracised, or worse.
There are countless examples of the medical domain being weaponised against the uninjected during (and since) the height of the scamdemic. Medical treatments withheld. Transplant operations rejected. Surgeries denied.
Virtual reality aggression prevention treatment in a Dutch prison-based population: a pilot study, from 2023.
Background: Treating violent behavior in prisons comes with challenges, such as the inability to practice safely with triggering situations and motivational issues. A solution may be the use of Virtual Reality (VR). With VR, specific conditions or needs can be tailored for individual practice, it can enhance motivation and VR has proven to be a safe and effective tool in mental health treatment.
Objective: A pilot study was conducted to test the acceptability, feasibility, and preliminary effects of VR Aggression Prevention Treatment (VRAPT) in a prison-based population.
Methods: In total 17 detainees with aggressive behavior were included in this single-group pilot study. Acceptability and feasibility were assessed using qualitative measures for participants and therapists. Preliminary treatment effects were measured with self-report and observational measures on aggression, anger, emotion regulation, and impulsiveness.
There are not too many steps removed from piloting studies into VR-based aggression prevention, to ultimately creating a VR construct to imprison the mind, rendering inmates docilely subdued and perhaps oblivious to their situation: Virtual gulag.
Education has been weaponised against the serfs on multiple fronts. Schools insisted on children being injected with the EUA countermeasure bioweapon in order to physically attend school. Schools are allowing ‘trans kids’ to use whichever bathroom they please. Children worldwide were imprisoned in their homes for ‘online learning’ during the scamdemic - suicide rates soared. Depression and mental health problems resulting from the lockdowns (caused by government intervention) persist to this day. All of the aforementioned points are control measures. Measures used against the will of the child. Measures are also being used to weaponise the child against their parents, encouraging them to snitch on their parents committing ‘hate speech’ in the home, or by the child repeating the views of their parents in the playground.
And don’t forget France banning homeschooling…with some exceptions.
👆1984 (film) - The character denounced by his seven year old daughter for thoughtcrime, crying out 'I hate Big Brother' in his sleep:
“Keep away from me, Smith. I'm an agent of Goldstein. I didn't know it myself. Thoughtcrime is so insidious. It just creeps up on you. My daughter found it out. Very proud of her. Very grateful I've been discovered before it's too late. They won't shoot me, will they, Smith? I know I could be very useful in a labor camp.”
*Speaker announcement* “Room 101.”
“No. Please, you don't have to take me there. Why? There's nothing I won't confess. Nothing. I've told you everything already. What is it you want me to know? Take him instead of me. He's the thought criminal. It's him you want.”
Financial gulags have been gathering steam since 2020. From Trudeau freezing the funds of the truckers (and their supporters) protesting against the kill-shot injection mandate…
To the de-banking of both high profile politicians and other “disfavoured individuals”. Visit for more on this, detailing Operation Choke Point.
It is obvious that once we reach the point whereby CBDCs merge with social credit scoring, carbon credit allowances, and whether or not one’s pharmacopeia vaxx cards are up to date - our freedoms could be severely curtailed. Our own tailor made personal gulag awaits.
If we let it happen.
What can we do?
We could all gloat on comments sections about who is the most red-pilled, and gleefully pronounce that we are all absolutely f***ed. We could also relish in discouraging any resistance to the gulags as being not just laughably futile - but actually speeding up our enslavement - because everyone is controlled opposition, right?
👆This certainly seems to be a very popular approach. Personally, it’s not for me.
Where the information war and censorship algorithms operate clandestinely, by stealth, and with the aim of quietly neutering us all across the aforementioned gulag domains - we can strive to illuminate their tactics, bringing all transgressions into the public domain. The will of the people in not accepting the judgements of kangaroo courts, has shown great promise of late.
We can continue raising awareness of all the narratives that threaten our freedoms, our privacy, our freedom of speech, and our ability to be sovereign individuals - even when raising said awareness means bursting the bubbles of those close to us…Those who still slumber so softly, so obliviously.
Every time we choose to bite our tongues because we don’t want to “ruffle someone’s feathers”, or don’t wish to “cause a scene”, or worry about being persecuted for our opinions - we actually enable the gulag industrial complex to grow more emboldened and stronger.
Little by little.
Although I have no statistics at hand, I am not afraid of erring when I say that the wave of 1937 and 1938 was neither the only one nor even the main one, but only one, perhaps, of the three biggest waves which strained the murky, stinking pipes of our prison sewers to bursting.
Before it came the wave of 1929 and 1930, the size of a good River Ob, which drove a mere fifteen million peasants, maybe even more, out into the taiga and the tundra. But peasants are a silent people, without a literary voice, nor do they write complaints or memoirs. No interrogators sweated out the night with them, nor did they bother to draw up formal indictments—it was enough to have a decree from the village soviet. This wave poured forth, sank down into the permafrost, and even our most active minds recall hardly a thing about it. It is as if it had not even scarred the Russian conscience. And yet Stalin (and you and I as well) committed no crime more heinous than this…
But the wave of 1937 swept up and carried off to the Archipelago people of position, people with a Party past, yes, educated people, around whom were many who had been wounded and remained in the cities… and what a lot of them had pen in hand! And today they are all writing, speaking, remembering: “Nineteen thirty-seven!” A whole Volga of the people’s grief!
- Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, Vol 1.
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok based writer. All content is free for all readers, with nothing locked in archive that requires a paid subscription. Any support is greatly appreciated.
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I'm glad you ended with that Solzhenitsyn quote. Since early 2020 my motto has been, "Let a lie come into the world. Let it even triumph. But not through me."
In late 2020 a friend (now former) told me about going to a picnic and meeting a woman whose nine year-old son thought he was a girl. My friend, who *never* ruffled feathers, no matter how stupid the thing she was asked to endorse might be, was still referring to the boy as "she" four days later, when she related the story to me. That's a big part of why we're no longer friends. So much of the crap that has to be fought now has its origins in the refusal of "nice" people to say "no" to absurdities and obscenities. FFS, if you can't even tell a grown woman that you won't help her play make-believe, then what good are you? If that's all it takes to terrify you, you'll never stand up to anything or for anyone, including the people and things you claim to love.
Nothing open to human choice is inevitable. We might be f*cked even if we fight back, but we're definitely f*cked if we don't. In fighting, the right mindset is critical. Men who go to war can't fight effectively--can't protect their team-- if they expect to live through it. The key to winning is balancing resolve and resignation. Evil is impotent and destruction is its only skill, but that doesn't make opposing it painless or free.
This Michel de Montaigne quote is a close cousin to Solzhenitsyn's "and how we burned in the camps later" idea, and I try to keep both in mind these days: "It is not certain where Death awaits us, so let us await it everywhere. To think of death beforehand is to think of our liberty. Whoever learns how to die, has learned how not to be a slave. Knowing how to die frees us from all subjection and constraint."
I am dismayed by the number of commentators - generally on the right of centre - who see clearly the abyss into which Western civilisation is toppling, and yet they sit around interviewing one another and telling each other how awful things are.
Analysis by itself is rather impotent; what is needed is much bolder work in the field of prediction, because if you can warn people what is going to happen before it is implemented, you have a much better chance of warding it off or deflecting it.
A prediction: There will be a merging of Critical Race Theory with mass immigration policy, so that the immigration status of an individual will become the new 'axis of oppression'. Immigrants (legal or otherwise) will be the oppressed class, the native-born population will be the oppressors, with all the retributive activities that go along with these oppressor-victim narratives.
So says the prominent US author James Lindsay, who recently excoriated the smug dullards of the European parliament to their faces.
As predictions go, this is not a very bold one - the signs are already there to see - but I think it is an example of how sentient citizens should be thinking.
It is no good just to continually be reacting to the latest Woke outrage, and dancing to their tune. We know that the "elites" are incapable of stopping their march to destruction, and it is important that we try to figure out in advance where they will go next.