Not always impervious to propaganda? A lesson in rushing towards emotionally charged stories.
The viral tweet on Brazil about arrested protesters being forcibly injected with the COVID gene therapy. Neither proven nor disproven. Fifth gen warfare bonanza.
On 14th January just gone, I posted about a story linking to a tweet, citing an article from the Brazilian press, that implied that arrested protesters had been forcibly injected with the COVID-19 gene therapy.
I quickly edited the headline to use the word “reportedly” and the subheading read “further verifying as more sources become available”; additional sources were subsequently found in Portuguese and added to my (now deleted) post here, here, here, and here.
Rather than edit my original post beyond all recognition, or memory hole it and pretend it didn’t happen, I decided it would it best to take it down (it was too presumptuous without enough solid sources to back up the claims). I then wanted to repost this piece today in earnest.
The Portuguese language articles cited, I had translated in part or in full (using browser translation tools), the word ‘forced’ or ‘forcibly’ did not appear in conjunction with the injections. Instead, translations used the word ‘receive’ or ‘given’, or other ambiguity such as the below passage for example:
Bolsonaristas arrested for involvement in acts of invasion and depredation of public buildings in Praça dos Três Poderes, on Sunday (8), began to be taken to their cells. According to Estadão, upon arriving at the prison, the scammers underwent a medical screening process. A task force was set up to carry out tests on detainees and vaccinate them against diseases such as covid-19, in cases where there was a need. Most Bolsonarists refused to receive the immunizer during the pandemic, influenced by the anti-vaccine speeches of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL).
An article from Newsweek has been brought to my attention, in the vein of fact-checking. *Let us recall that fact-checks are protected opinion, and not the arbiters of truth. Do not mistake me as pandering to factcheckers here. I am citing their article with some interesting quotes to examine. Bear with me.
Amid accusations of injustice and mistreatment, one claim emerged that drew the attention of English-language accounts known for pushing anti-vaccine narratives.
Newsweek Fact Check looked into the origins of the claim, and whether it has any factual basis.
Newsweek could not immediately assess the reliability of the publication or find any separate Portuguese-language reporting corroborating the details presented by O Estadao.
In fact, other reports, such as by Brazil's Estado de Minas newspaper, and including those also citing O Estadão, provide additional context, stating that 700 of the 1,200 detained were vaccinated, though it is not clear whether that was due to vaccine shortages, prior vaccinations, refusals, or other reasons.
But regardless of its sourcing, the article does not appear to describe "forced" injections that @GraduatedBen cites.
"The National Secretariat for Penitentiary Policies of Brazil informs that, as in the entire national territory, vaccination in the Brazilian prison system is not mandatory," DEPEN, the National Prison Department of Brazil, told Newsweek in an email, noting that the "management of local prison systems is the responsibility of each state in the federation."
"Based on information from the Secretariat of Penitentiary Administration of the Federal District, the prisoners were tested for COVID-19, with their refusals being respected by the authorities," it added.
A few things to deconstruct here. The same information (as from my deleted post) is cited regarding number (700) of detainees having been ‘vaccinated’, yet admittedly, Newsweek cannot be clear on the reasons for the ‘vaccinations’.
If Newsweek received an email from DEPEN, the National Prison Department of Brazil, could we not have had it screen captured and added to their article with email addresses blacked out?
Even then, in this climate, does an official statement always equate to verification and truth having been obtained?
We still do not know if the issue of forced injections is not true.
Perhaps more sources will trickle through the dragnet. Interviews with families of the detainees, whistleblowers coming out, more footage, or maybe we will even hear from the incarcerated individuals themselves at some point?
Regardless of the lingering question on the forced injections, many sources do seem to corroborate that conditions are squalid and the detainees are being mistreated.

Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok-based journalistic infidel impervious to propaganda. If you liked this content and wish to support the work, buy him a coffee or consider a crypto donation:
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In a similar vein Mark CRISPIN MILLER just posted this article on his substack:
On getting (slightly) fooled again—and why, by now, it doesn't really matter
At this point, NO fake videos, deliberately false leads, or any other psy-op tricks can finally keep the people in the dark
Like yourself Mark Crispin MILLER makes a somewhat similar and important point in this substack article.
Based on his own experience, he addresses the widespread and wholly rational concern that They are out there seeding cyberspace with bogus images and theories, to lure people into sharing them, so that such stuff can then be thunderously “debunked,” and, with it, all such (somehow) dangerous “conspiracy theories” as to the risks of “vaccination.”
But he also makes it clear that in the light of the indeniable facts taking place before your very eyes, that such tricks are short-lived and will actually further erode the trust in 'what you are being told'.
In the Comments section also Sage Hana wages in by exposing the inconsistencies in the Damar Hanlin story, where they are claiming that he has recovered and is meeting his NFL buddies. Reminds me of the Thai princess, who is 'recovering' in the Hospital...