Meme Warfare is Real
Bill Gates seeks to criminalise memes, now things are getting cereal. Creed Speech will empower you to create your own memes...
Grabbing this from the good folks at
…here’s what a blog post on GAVI’s site says: “Our research shows that memes form part of a highly sophisticated strategy to spread and monetize health disinformation.”
(Not throwing the “monetize slur” in there – in the context of “the Gates!” /s)
When the “research” is done – (including assertions such as that memes falsely “depicted unvaccinated people as unfairly stigmatized” – well tell that to tennis superstar Novak Djokovic who almost got his career ruined by actual unfair stigmatization) – come the conclusions:
“Influencers promoting vaccine hesitancy use memes to build their online following, sow distrust of health authorities and profit from the promotion of unapproved medicines. This enables them to evade responsibility for any negative consequences of their messaging.”
There’s a “call to action” too, basically – to formally criminalize memes.
Says GAVI: “Memes may not look threatening – but that’s why they are such effective super spreaders of health disinformation.”
Damn. End of empire stuff when the tentacles of the organs lash out at meme warfare. Memes are extremely safe and effective. It would be a tragedy if
‘s popular weekend meme stacks were in the crosshairs - they always get a chuckle out of Mrs. Creed and I. Memes transcend language barriers in their purest form when no captions are needed - Bob Moran is the meme grand master with his disarming artistic talents.Without further ado, let us dedicate this piece to the hearse whisperer himself…
And now for some other classics…

Check out this online AI tool that enables you to generate your own NPC themed memes:
Someone who currently identifies as Nicholas Creed produced this meme using the AI generator, with the prompt “NPC in coffin supports net zero”:
Add your captions using MS paint or other simple software. Always remember to remove the metadata from images before posting or sharing just in case this meme war ‘goes hot’ and they come for us with the no knock raids…
Now, go forth and produce memes, and may they multiply!
Happy Monday 😃
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok based writer. All content is free for all readers, with nothing locked in archive that requires a paid subscription. Any support is greatly appreciated.
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Thank you for the link to the meme generator and the shout out! I always mean to do more of my own instead of just stealing or sharing someone elese's but then life intervenes and I get busy with other things. That's an excellent meme on there I'll have to try it out. I still chuckle about some of those book covers in my last set glad you and the Missus like them!
"[Memes enable] them to evade responsibility for any negative consequences of their messaging.”
That's hilarious, considering no one's even thinking about holding him accountable for the deaths of teen girls from Gardasil "vaccines," or for the actions of the WHO, WEF, CEPI, and GAVI, to name just four of the sociopathic groups he finances with hundreds of millions of dollars. Who's holding the regime stenographers accountable for the negative consequences of the messaging they parrot? Who's holding the DOD, HHS, CIA, et al accountable? How about local cops and businesses whose compliance put the illegal fatwas into practice? Any accountability going to accrue there?
Naked emperors hate to be pointed and laughed at because it reminds them that they don't have a stitch on. Therefore I will double down on spreading the truth.