Faustian Bargain: Trading Your Soul For Personal Gain
Making deals with the Devil in tyrannical times.
This is the first article in a new series I will be publishing on spirituality and folklore across different cultures, with a focus on immorality and karmic debt.
Faustian bargain, a pact whereby a person trades something of supreme moral or spiritual importance, such as personal values or the soul, for some worldly or material benefit, such as knowledge, power, or riches.
Faust, also called Faustus or Doctor Faustus, one of the most enduring legends in Western folklore and literature, is the story of a German necromancer or astrologer who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge and power.
In the legend of Faust, the character surrenders his soul to an evil spirit, often named Mephistopheles - referred to as a representative of Satan. After a certain period of time, Faust’s soul is due for collection.
The debt must be paid and the contract honoured.
The individual making a Faustian bargain realises the evil or amoral nature of the trade, yet forsakes their own moral compass and values in order to reap otherwise unattainable knowledge and power.
Faustian bargains are by their very nature, fatefully calamitous, as the bargainer is quite literally the author of their own misfortune; marked to be a tormented soul, to be claimed and collected, perhaps for eternity.
The bargainer is blinded by their greed for knowledge or material wealth, or other worldly benefit, being offered here, in this physical realm, by Satan’s minion. Yet, not only is the bargainer blinded in their haste to make the trade, they are too short-sighted to foresee that what is being exchanged is exceedingly more valuable than what they shall reap before their soul is claimed by Mephistopheles.
The fool’s bargain
We have talk show hosts dancing and singing about COVID variants like blithering moronic idiots to appease their masters, deluded enough to think they might crank up their ratings amongst their fellow soulless Covidians. They will simply do whatever is asked of them, to continue receiving their six digit salaries.
What bargain did you make Jimmy?
We have former politicians clawing their way across continents, selling their souls as speakers for globalist agendas, enthusiastically condemning those who stand firm and reject the mark of the beast.

Did you make a Faustian bargain for political clout, influence, and money, Tony? Your soul shall be reaped in time. Your bargain clearly involves doing the bidding of your satanic masters by encouraging medical apartheid and a segregated society.
You are guilty beyond sin, Blair. May you live forever, tormented and burning in Dante’s inferno.
Other bargains made, may appear less insidious on the surface, although open the floodgates to mass surveillance, social credit scores, carbon tracking, serfdom, and the rise of the technocracy.

Dear councilors, you are the conspiracy theorists. You are openly conspiring against us, the proletariats.
We see you.
Per chance, will Oxford council members receive some backhanded payments or brown envelopes stuffed with cash for rolling out this fresh hell? Were they guaranteed a seat at the bottom feeder table of the new world order after the dust settles?
It matters not, for it is too late for them now, they are beyond redemption. Their souls are irredeemable and marked. Faustian bargains with such high stakes, affecting so many other souls, simply cannot be undone.
In other instances we have so called ‘Celebrities’, driven by narcissism and a self-perception of virtue signaling righteousness.
Very disappointing, George. You have made a Faustian bargain to preserve social strata, status, idol worship amongst Covidians, fame, and wealth.
Here you are Mephistopheles, another soul is ripening for collection.
Sorry is always the hardest word
Now we reach the crux of our global tragedy. I am not referring only to the ongoing democide. I wish to focus on the self evident truths, that many ordinary people have made Faustian bargains of their own.
These bargains might not be as egregious as the aforementioned examples.
These trades may not have been made with the evil spirit in exchange for knowledge, power, or riches.
These bargainers traded their souls for self-preservation, to be politically upwind of what everyone else was doing, in a moment of madness or weakness. They believed it necessary to take the mark, in order to partake in everyday society, to be able to travel, to be allowed to enter restaurants, to have access to healthcare.
“Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.”
-Saint Augustine.
It saddens me to point out that these bargainers also knew their actions were immoral. They had an inner voice warning them, that by enabling the beast system in acquiring a vax-pass purely for personal gain, they were also condemning the uninjected to be cast out and forgotten.
These misguided souls made a mistake. I believe and that they could reduce their ‘sentence’ drastically if they dedicate the rest of their lives in this physical realm, towards redemption. That means swallowing pride, owning up to and taking responsibility for their actions.
It means never ever again making a similar Faustian bargain, when the next global psy-op / orchestrated mass psychosis firmly arrives at our door.
Whether that is by willingly enrolling in social credit score systems, contactless biometric payments, carbon footprint self monitoring, or something even more diabolical down the line.
Witness endless dystopia.
Do not let your guard down. This is a spiritual war. This will be a generational battle for sovereignty, for independence, and for freedom.
Beware the Faustian bargain, for it seduces you quietly, claiming your soul before you realise the price.
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok-based journalistic dissident and occasional songwriter. If you liked this content and wish to support the work, buy him a coffee or consider a crypto donation:
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Great article! And you are fully correct that this is a SPIRITUAL war and it is your very soul which is at stake here.
I was routinely disappointed in how little value people seemed to place on their soul or their moral compass. Sometimes it was done for convenience, out of fear of something that might happen down the road, or because it was inevitable. They made their price so low that they enabled the hellscape