Farmers Stand Up to EU Green Tyranny
Protests, Farmers using tractors to remove barriers at EU HQ, spraying the riot police with manure, burning piles of tires - We are all farmers now...
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I’ve compiled a supercut of footage. Zerohedge introduced the situation descriptively enough:
The mephitis of manure, melting tires and malodorous teargas pervaded downtown Brussels this Monday morning as angry farmers encircled the European Union's headquarters. This protest coincides with a meeting of the bloc's agriculture ministers. The farmers are expressing their anger over the EU's disastrous green policies.
The fact that such protests are no longer subjected to legacy media blackouts, demonstrates how the heroic farmers’ efforts have now become highly visible and impossible for the the powers-that-shouldn’t-be to ignore. All of the Farmers protests we have seen crop up across Europe, are due, in one way or another, to the green agenda, Net Zero insanity, and the democidal Agenda 2030 aims (sustainable development goals).
Reluctantly, we shall quote from the jobsworths at Politico today, because in a rare earnest-ish article, there does not seem to be much negative spin to push a narrative, or call the protesters ‘far-right’ etc:
Belgian and Italian unions brought with them a laundry list of complaints, from falling revenues and excessive environmental burdens, to being underpaid by food companies and undercut by foreign goods. These were the same issues that brought farmers into Brussels three weeks ago, when they toppled a statue and hurled eggs at the European Parliament.
“We’re here today because we want genuine agriculture and food laws,” said Mark Wulfrancke, policy officer of the Flemish General Farmers' Syndicate (Algemeen Boerensyndicaat). “At the national level, politicians always point at [the EU] — we’re here so that they can’t do that anymore.”
Some came with tight talking points: “Free trade agreements, [falling] revenues and a simpler Common Agricultural Policy,” yelled Marianne Streel, President of the Walloon Federation of Agriculture, over the blare of horns.
"Those big actors — who produce cheaply at a great cost to environmental, social, animal and labour welfare — have doubled down on the neo-liberal approach and demand the withdrawal of environmental measures of the Green Deal," said Alisha Sesum, from the Via Campesina movement of small farmers that also joined Monday's protest.
"This doesn’t protect the interests of farmers on the ground facing environmental worries daily, nor does it bring about better or brighter prospects for farmers in the future, regardless of their politics.”
More recently it was the German farmers that pushed back against diesel subsidies being cut.
A year ago we had Belgium farmers protesting against Agenda 2030 measures.
We had Swiss farmers pointing out the most wanted criminal list of globalists.
Before that we had Dutch farmers clashing with police over the attempts to force closure of farms, to attain ridiculous reduction targets of 30% for Nitrogen emissions.
Awareness of Agenda 2030 and Net Zero is gathering momentum. People are beginning to understand the implications - engineered food scarcity, mass famine, death, and control.
Next time an NPC tells you that they support Net Zero, or calls these farmers ‘far-right’, or a nuisance, or generally echoes some lame, regurgitated, fake-stream-media soundbite, try asking them the following:
If you support Net Zero, I assume you have read the ‘Absolute Zero’ doctrine, and are on board with the following?
Have you read Challenging “Net Zero” with Science, by the CO2 Coalition?
Are you familiar with The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World: C40 Cities report? Do you support the following?
4. Do you support Farmers being regulated out of existence by adhering to measures put forward in the Race to Net Zero: Accelerating Climate Action in Asia and the Pacific?
The list goes on. Net Zero and Agenda 2030 feed into the conceptual model of a technocratic society. As I wrote about here:
“Pouring on the strong medicine” with Agenda 2030’s sustainable development goals (SDGs)
Patrick Wood explains how technocracy is a resource-based economic system that used energy as an accounting system; contrasted with our current price-based (supply & demand) system using monetary accounting.
Referencing key points of the original definition of Technocracy:
Private property would be eradicated altogether. Everything would be owned in common by the the Technate and controlled by them.
All price-based energy currencies would be abolished and replaced by a system of Energy Certificates.
Energy certificates would be issued at the start of an accounting period, and expired at the end of it, preventing accumulation of savings for future needs.
All conceivable human needs (food, housing, transportation, medical, retirement, etc.) would be met by the Technate at their sole discretion.
Traditional systems of government would be abolished, including Congress and state governments.
A continental board of Technocrats would manage all economic and societal affairs according to Functional and Service sequences, defined and run by themselves.
Education would be transformed into human conditioning to prepare students for a lifetime of work chosen by the Technate.
Science and the Scientific Method would be the sole guide to decision-making throughout the Technate, based on collected data.
We can observe that these original ideas on Technocracy have been adopted by the United Nations, *not generated as a modern idea. The parallels are obvious.
**Patrick Wood will be speaking at The Citizens For Free Speech summit: The War On Speech - at 8pm Eastern Time on 5th March 2024. You can register to watch the event here. I’ll try to download a copy of the speech afterwards and upload to Odysee.
Now you have some more ‘receipts’ and tools at your disposal. Please use them accordingly whenever opportune, to counter the arguments made by the sociopaths and the lunatics that support our collective subjugation.
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok based writer. All content is free for all readers, with nothing locked in archive that requires a paid subscription. Any support is greatly appreciated.
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The Nut Zeroes want you dead. Their stated goal is a global population of 500 million. To reach that goal, human beings will be reduced to the status of livestock, which exist and die at the whim of their owners. Trying to project the mental processes of a creature that sits around drawing colored charts detailing how it plans to make life impossible for 5 billion people is impossible, because such a creature lacks everything that makes a human, human.
My advice to everyone who wants to fight that crap is to take the Nut Zeroes at their word. Take them literally. Grant them no benevolence and no humanity, because they have none. They're vicious, completely malevolent, and they're dead serious about wanting you dead. Educate yourself on the science and you'll see just how unmoored from reality they are, and how they use "the environment" as a stalking horse for their global dictatorship. There are several excellent websites with great articles and a really literate readership (based on the comment sections), including WattsUpWithThat, ClimateRealism, JunkScience, and ClimateSkeptics.
Great questions to pose to an NPC!
Truthfully, the moment I realize I'm speaking to a true NPC, I tune out.
Lessons learned as an unvaxxed...