Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs)
US patent, various iterations of DEW applications, and screen captures of suspected DEW aftermaths.
This is a highly informative video breaking down numerous forms of DEWs for use in the field, from crowd control, to underwater versions, and various methods of mounting the “non-lethal” weapons on motor vehicles and aerial vehicles:
Background of the DEW invention US Patent # 4959559, 1990
The invention relates generally to transmission of pulses of energy, and more particularly to the propagation of localized pulses of electromagnetic or acoustic energy over long distances without divergence…
Fantasy or reality. The ability to launch localized packets of light or other energy which do not diverge as they travel great distances through space may incredibly be at hand.
The ability to launch localized packets of light or other energy which do not diverge as they travel great distances through space may incredibly be at hand.
Following the pioneering work of J. N. Brittingham, various groups have been actively pursuing the possibility that solutions to the wave equation can be found that allow the transmission of localized, slowly decaying pulses of energy, variously described as electromagnetic missiles or bullets, Bessel beams, transient beam fields, and splash pulses. These efforts have in common the space-time nature of the solutions being investigated and their potential launching mechanisms, pulse-driven antennas.
Solutions to Maxwell’s equations follow naturally from these scalar wave equation solutions. Such electromagnetic pulses, characterized by their high directionality and slow energy decay, are called electromagnetic directed-energy pulse trains (EDEPTs). They are a step closer to a classical description of a photon, a finite-energy solution of Maxwell’s equations that exhibits a wave/particle duality. The corresponding acoustic pulses, which are solutions of the scalar wave equation, are called ADEPTs.
Additional Source:
Download PDF: DoD Joint Non Lethal Weapons Directorate (JNLWD) Source:
Screen captures from videos suspected as capturing DEW aftermaths (segments credited to
This one was from the Portugal "wildfire" which toasted the cars, but did not burn the very thin trees. This is from the video "Portugal Madeira Wildfire DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON"
This one in California in 2017. No fire path led to the building. It's as if the building was attacked from above.
This is a screen capture from the video, "California Wildfires: More than Meets the Eye". In it, Rumsfeld is asked when directed energy weapons in the form of microwaves are expected to be used. He replies that "it's unanswerable".
This picture is from The Desert Sun of the aftermath of the Camp Fire telling of how a family was reunited with its cat a month after the fire.
For Perspective, what a normal house fire used to look like:
This is all fascinating material and opens up another rabbit hole which runs deeper than most of us could have possibly imagined. I need to dig into this subject more extensively to gain a wider understanding of DEW application, as well as the human vulnerabilities at the anatomic level for individual susceptibility.
Don’t shoot the messenger, as this is new subject matter to your researcher, with circulating theories and speculation being challenging to either debunk or confirm.
We are yet again living through another movie where life imitates art from predictive programming, with applied behavioural psychology and unrestricted warfare raging on like a juggernaut of merciless confusion, doubtlessly leading to more unmentionable counternarratives and fiercer menticide amongst the unsuspecting masses.
As ever, raising awareness is of paramount importance.
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok based dissident blogger. All content is free for all readers. Any support is greatly appreciated.
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Anyone with a basic understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum/pulsed signalling and its effects knows that 5G is an exceptionally bad idea.
But you get your work email faster and can stream Disney... 🤔
thanks Nicholas. I have also just been shown that my 3BB router ( i am sure many here in Thailand use it....... not sure about AIS or True) ...... but my 3BB router has one 5g sign in option , and another option that when i checked shows to be only 2.4 g . I now use the lower one and reception is the same. Also keep it in a side room, and turn off at night.