Dear children of Bangkok, I am sorry for all of your new normal ideology conforming parents forcibly masking you, making you terrified of other children and adults, viewing them as dangerous. I have seen you removing your masks, joyfully playing in the parks, only to be reprimanded by your angry parents, forcibly re-muzzling you, resulting in your screams of anguish and your tears.
I have tried and tried to reach the Thai people through journalism, word of mouth, with QR code stickers around the city linking to alternative media sources in both Thai script and the English language.
I have felt complicit for not intervening when I see your dying soulless eyes, behind the mask, confused, agitated. It is not my place to tell parents what to do, yet I cannot reconcile in my mind as I am witnessing child abuse in public, on a daily basis.
I hope that in the future, you can overcome the psychological trauma you have suffered, born into, and raised in a new normal dystopia. I hope that your cognitive development can recover, you can learn and develop speech patterns. I hope that you will, in time, learn to smile, to show your faces to one another, and to break the chains of slavery and servitude forced upon you by your families.
I am sorry for whatever long term debilitating chronic health conditions you may suffer as a result of being forcibly held down by strangers wearing masks, dressed up as doctors and nurses, permitted to inject you with experimental untested gene therapy products.
There are good people who are actively trying to make a difference. There are passive bystanders who are good, but too cowardly to make a difference. Then there are devout new normal disciples, comprising the majority of the city’s population since March 2020, whom are doing the bidding of pure and innate evil.
The tyrants will *never* relinquish their fear mongering, ever. Do not seek the truth from external sources, whether that is the legacy media or alt-media. Look inwards. Listen to your instincts, follow your gut feeling.
*If you are in Thailand and would like to help circulate the Thai script version, you can print and distribute / stick up these QR codes that link to the Thai script article:
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok-based journalistic infidel impervious to propaganda. If you liked this content and wish to support the work, buy him a coffee or consider a crypto donation:
BTC: 39CbWqWXYzqXshzNbosbtBDf1YoJfhsr45
May the perpetrators of these crimes suffer in the many levels of the inferno!
Hi Nicholas,
Thanks for publishing that letter!
I re-posted your plea on the Thailand Expats & Friends GAB Group, as it deserves a broad audience.
Here is the link >
Cheers and keep up the good work
Note: I am living in a small village in the sticks (South Isaan, Sisaket province near the cambodian border). Luckily all the children here enjoy life in the outdoor with their friends and don't wear masks. And it looks as if the rest of the village is slowly abandoning those face-cloths too. Me - the crazy farang - have NEVER worn one in the village and have also never been challenged over it (wouldn't have complied to it anyway).