Clown World Roundup #3
The third edition of this ongoing Clown World Roundup series has come around sooner than expected. There is just too much going on to keep up. Let’s get into it!
*Even though we live in a clownish world, there are always serious bits to throw in, from those who would like to steer us back to an integrity world*
We’ll start off with a weird one for a giggle.

“Excuse me, I’d like to report a burglary.” The police are busy and preoccupied with other priorities.
WEF speaker from Davos, (un)naturally.

Hackable humans. Not on my watch, this brain is off limits so piss off WEF.

You’ve got to love it when a tyrant gets called a tyrant.

#DontPutItOff guys. How about f*** off Government of Jersey, stop trying to warp the minds of Men and Women.

UK ends COVID-19 booster kill-shots for the under 50 year-olds. Ah, I see, now it’s just a full frontal assault to cull the elderly useless eaters and get out of paying those problematic pensions eh?
In the same vein, it is kicking off in France as Macron the little dictator tries to make the French work a couple of years longer before that elusive golden retirement can be enjoyed.

YouTube internal guidance for how to censor the Project Veritas story.
We need a good meme for this charade, and I found one for you.
The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World - written in 2019 by the University of Leeds. It is rather insightful. Link to full PDF download.
More things that apparently cause blood clots (and if you believe that you will believe anything).
Yet fear not! Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel to the rescue, he has another elixir in the needle gonna fix ya! Promise. *May cause rare side effects including mild cardiac arrest and sudden death. SShhhh I’m sure it will be absolutely fine.

Now for something serious and promising.

Aaaand we shall finish on something ree-dic-you-lers. If you haven’t yet seen the fake and staged arrest of one Greta Thunberg, with camera crews galore, you are in for a treat.
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok-based journalistic dissident and occasional songwriter. If you liked this content and wish to support the work, buy him a coffee or consider a crypto donation:
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