Clown World Roundup #2
Truth inversion goes nuclear? Culpable scrambling to avoid Nuremberg noose? British MP Andrew Bridgen suspended for criticising 'vax', called antisemitic by Matt Hancock. Bridgen's made a statement.
Continued from the first edition of Clown World Roundup in December 2022:
Damn a lot of shizzle has gone down in the first two weeks of 2023. Let us recap and wrap up the half way point for January, ringing in the new year with stupendous next-levels of gaslighting, stranger-than-fiction hyperreality scenes at the Golden Globes, and protests kicking right off in France by some would-be pesky pensioners…
*Edit - let’s start with some dark humour, before we go to truly dark and disturbing places, then I promise we’ll finish the post on a high..
This. Is. Gold:

Again and again, we harken back to OffGuardian’s vintage surmising of clown world, being a “multiplex cinema that we all consume world events from” - I am paraphrasing and cannot find the original article where they wrote this, yet it is bang on. I give you comedian ‘President’ Zelensky, giving a speech at the Golden Globes 2023, after the above weird bromance-big-up introduction from BFF Sean Penn.
To quote the Tyler Durden pseudonym of Zerohedge:
For anyone worried that the world is inching toward nuclear Armageddon, these words are not cause for comfort - but quite the opposite... after all, it's 2023 and a foreign head of state just appeared at a Hollywood awards show to tell celebrities he's not expecting World War 3 to break out. But Kiev wants to combat growing global skepticism regarding the war's outcome, in order to keep the Western weapons pipeline flowing of course.
He also just pledged "victory" over nuclear armed super power Russia, and that a Ukrainian "win" is becoming "clear"... so let that sink in.
Indeed. When truth inversion and the meanings and intentions of statements and actions are so widespread, we have mostly been making our own deductions by assuming that anything coming from an official source or perceived authority figure, holds the exact opposite to be true. This certainly gives cause for concern. Perhaps it has something to do with the cascading truth bombs (pun intended) coming out regarding the magic elixir?
Next exhibit is taken from the folks at DailySceptic:
Reproduced below is Mr. Bridgen’s recent speech in the Commons where he raised many issues that other MPs shy away from or don’t want to know about.
Matt Hancock, the disgraced lockdown Health Secretary, hit out at Mr. Bridgen’s “disgusting, antisemitic, anti-vax conspiracy theories” at Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday. He said the comments were “deeply offensive” and “have no place in this House or in our wider society”.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak replied that he joined Mr Hancock in “completely condemning those types of comments in the strongest possible terms”.
According to Sky News, Tory Chief Whip Simon Hart said:
Andrew Bridgen has crossed a line, causing great offence in the process. As a nation we should be very proud of what has been achieved through the vaccine programme. The vaccine is the best defense against Covid that we have. Misinformation about the vaccine causes harm and costs lives. I am therefore removing the whip from Andrew Bridgen with immediate effect, pending a formal investigation.
They’ve certainly got Simon Hart by the balls now, incoming scapegoat, quick throw him under the bus.
A good follow up piece here too:
*Update regarding Andrew Bridgen - watch his video statement below*
Also well worth a watch is this short clip (just over 2 mins):
The comparisons drawn above may reaffirm everything you may have thinking about, but have been too afraid to say out loud - because we’ve been conditioned to not talk about certain events, as verboten. If we cannot compare the current genocide to anything else, then how can we make sense of it? Exactly.
I was stunned to see a Thailand study cited in Dr. Peter McCullough’s recent substack piece:
I am disappointed that world class electrophysiology research departments at US medical schools are being outclassed by investigators in Asia. COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis and sudden death should be a top research priority for every cardiology division in the country at this time. - Dr. Peter McCullough.

Macron has really riled up the soon-to-be pensioners of 2030. Pensions have always been Ponzi schemes really, haven’t they? Without enough fresh meat for the grinder to put in another 42/43 year shift, the house of cards comes tumbling down. That, combined with Fiat currencies being debased quicker than the Epstein island flight list being buried = rug-pull.
Here’s an example of the culpable scrambling to avoid potential (inevitable?) Nuremberg 2.0 nooses, a great piece from Igor Chudov’s substack:
Let’s finish on a high. The beautiful people at CHD are firing on all cylinders. I’ll be chucking them a few extra dollars this month, heroes:
A roundup would not be complete without a classic Bob Moran cartoon to cut through the noise, reducing that decibel level from an irritable ringing to a quieter buzzing noise - allowing you to think a little more clearly, take a deep breath, and keep going, as always.
Nicholas Creed is a Bangkok-based journalistic infidel impervious to propaganda. If you liked this content and wish to support the work, buy him a coffee or consider a crypto donation:
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Thanks for the roundup! I don't watch television any more here than I did in Thailand, so I passed on the Golden Globes. But I did notice the quintuple jabbed recent heart attacked roommate talking about that Prince Harry on by Bob Moran as always!